I have been experiencing a similar intermittent issue for 20 months. I had consistently been told that my problem was internal and was even persuaded to upgrade my “Full Fibre 900” package, to include “BT Halo 3”. Needless to say that this did not resolve the problem and BT have finally admitted, that there is a known software issue with the mechanisms that they employ, to measure the incoming signal to the ONT. This has been referred to as a “Stale PPP Session Fault”, which effectively means that “hereditary” and not “live” signals can sometimes be recorded. The bottom line is that their own remote tests and those carried out at the premises by “Openreach” engineers, are not as infallible as they claim, as they can result in “false positive” results. BT have consistently refused to accept the evidence supplied via the “MyBT App”, that my service has fallen below their “Stay Fast Guarantee”, on 259 separate days since April 2023. However, they will accept the results taken via the “https://pbtcsc.saas.nokia - Hub Smart Speed Test”, which you can request from customer support. The issue with this test is that it has a short shelf life of only 24 hours, so must be requested on a daily basis, which is time consuming. On a positive note and from my perspective, BT have consistently implied that I am the only one of their 10+ million “Full Fibre” clients, who has experienced this issue, but this is clearly not the case. Good luck.