Hi all
First post, Hope everyone is well.
I live in a poor connection area mainly due to distance to the cab (knew this when i signed up start of covid.
Up until now been able to manage on the slow connection 30 down and 6 up. But over last few weeks connection is getting slower and slower and currently down to 18 down and 5 up.
Connect through a TP-link modem/router
Post the full connection stats from the router as that will have some useful information.
Line Status:
DSL Up Time:
0 days 16 hours 8 minutes
DSL Modulation Type:
Annex Type:
Annex auto
Upstream Downstream
Current Rate (kbps) 6539 19998
Max Rate (kbps) 6540 37155
SNR Margin (dB) 6.3 12.3
Line Attenuation (dB) 7.3 22.3
Errors (pkts) 47 0
connection time is only 16hrs is that due to router dropping connection or manual reset? if router dropping connection is this happening often?
are the speeds you quote in first post connection speed to tplink or download speeds at a device? if connection speeds then looks like you have an unstable connection which is probably reason for dropping speed
The speed test results are from the router logs and not a connected device. The short up time is due to son(electrician) removing socket cover and plugging in a new filter directly to plug inside.
if they are connection speed in your first post then your router is dropping connection everytime the connection speed changes suggesting interference or noise. if you have now changed the filter and connected to test socket now need to see if the line remains stable. If you do get stability then speed should start to increase again but could take a few weeks
Update on this post:-
speed has slightly improved to 20/6mbs, but now hopefully will not be an issue for much longer as Openreach are now pulling in fiber cables down the road to each pole.
Thanks for the help and fingers crossed fttp will be up and running soon.