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Message 1 of 2

Do BT take faults and customer service seriously?

I’ve had a fault on my line, dropped connection and slow speeds since mid August, with the fault raised on 25th August. (I had hoped it was a glitch which would rectify itself).

Engineer came out, allegedly fixed the fault for it to return 11 days later. I have since booked another 2 engineer visits, for no engineer to show on either of the appointment dates, despite confirming this morning they were attending. 

The fault still exists, and speeds are slower than stay fast guarantee speed. 

Is it only me who has experienced such poor customer service and BT’s complete nonchalance towards, and failure to provide the service I’m paying for? Or is this a regular occurrence?

Having taken 2 days off work to wait for an engineer who never arrived, will BT pay me the fee they would charge for missed engineer visits? Will they also refund me for the service I’m not receiving? I suspect not, however at the end of my tether, I can see me soon contacting Ofcom. 
Can anyone advise where to go from here?

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Message 2 of 2

Re: Do BT take faults and customer service seriously?

Hi @dazamb,

Welcome to the Community and thank you for posting. I can understand your frustration and I'm sorry your service hasn't been repaired. If you send me your details, I'll be able to take a look at what is happening with the fault. 

I have sent you a private message with instructions on how to contact me.  You can access your messages via the envelope icon at the top right of the screen, or click on this link, Private messages



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