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Message 1 of 4

Do I need a 'IP Profile reset'?


Openreach recently (about a month ago) resolved some long standing reliability issues I'd been having with my line.   This eventually involved moving me to a new port in the cabinet.  The engineer said he thought that once the line had settled down, I would get a speed improvement.

Sure enough, the sync speed that the Smart Hub showed gradually increased over the month since the fix until the current point where I have a stable connection at 80/20, which is excellent.   I simply left the hub to its own devices during this time - the sync speed increases happened incrementally after re-syncs that occured in the early hours of the morning, initially every few days.

However, during this time, the actual throughput I was getting lagged behind the sync speed by a fairly consistent margin.   As the downstream sync speed went up, so did the actual typical throughput I saw, but seemed to follow a ceiling of about 89% of the sync speed.   Now that I've reached 80/20, this is still the case with the actual typical maximum download speed being 71Mb.

I've tried the BT Wholesale Speedtest diagnostics, but it never gives me any information at all on the second stage of the test, so I can't actually see if there's an IP profile being applied or what the value is.

I've read elsewhere that I'd expect to see a typical downstream throughput of around 96.8% of the sync speed, so I'm wondering if there is another way I can check if I have an IP Profile applied and if there's anything I can do about increasing it - or is it operating at 89% for a good reason, so I shouldn't worry?

Many thanks. 


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Message 2 of 4

Re: Do I need a 'IP Profile reset'?

after allowing for overheads that download speed appears to be ok  there is no profile reset

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Message 3 of 4

Re: Do I need a 'IP Profile reset'?

I thought the gap between 96.8% and 100% was the 'overheads'?   How can I see if there is a profile applied/what the figure against the profile is?


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Message 4 of 4

Re: Do I need a 'IP Profile reset'?

With G.INP active then the profile percentage is lower

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