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Message 1 of 5

Does anyone understand technology

BT broadband customer services - Time to move
Two weeks ago I started losing internet access - did the usual reset the router, etc, still had issues so pulled DSL line to force it onto the hybrid mobile back -up no issues once I did that (note no changes to my home set-up - i.e. number of connected devices, BT discs, etc) So called BT customer services and went through explaining the problem. They wanted to send openreach engineer out. Left the service on mobile back-up and waited 4 days for openreach engineer. Engineer arrived and the conclusion was no issue with the line. Called back to BT who wanted to replace the router, waited a further 3 days for new router, replaced same and the joy of changing WIFI network and password on my devices. A few hours later the same issues so switched it back to mobile back-up. Called BT again for them to say they were sending another openreach engineer. Waited for this new engineer to arrive and say no issues (he also went and reset DSLAM port) Called back to BT again same old waste of time. Asked for escalation, to manager - that never happened despite promises. Today I went to billing to ask when I can cancel service, who asked why - went through the mammoth storey. They put me in direct contact with technical team. back and forth conversation the end result was a connectivity map of devices and the belief on their side that there were two many devices connected and that was causing drop out on Internet Access and suggested I turn off one of my BT disc. Bear in mind, that nothing has changed for 4/5 years and it is the same set up I have been running with the same number of devices, if not less. So what they are saying in the broadband connection with more bandwidth cannot cope with the number of connected devices but the mobile back-up can. So they want me to reduce the number of BT discs and have a worse service/coverage for the same money (note BT say you can have up to 3 BT discs. and nothing about device numbers - I have 3 mobiles two ipads one tv one sky box and two sky minis connected - so not exactly running a ISP
Trying to get anyone at BT to understand the issue is a joke. I was then told upgrade to full fibre and that should fix it. The point is it is the same setup I have had for years and the same number of devices and I have to pay more or pay the same for their fix which is reducing the WIFI coverage. Does anyone at BT understand how technology and customer service works.
So I still have drop outs with the exact same set-up I had prior to these issues - or I can force it onto the mobile back-up which is slower but no drop outs, or reduce the BT discs and have a worse service that I was getting and pay the same amount.
So many calls, no retuned calls from managers that were promised and a "we don't care or understand" attitude
And yes still sitting here with a service that I did not pay for and no interest from BT in fixing it.

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Message 2 of 5

Re: Customer Services and Useless

from the devices you have connected they all appear to be wifi not ethernet.  are you dropping internet connection and hub light changing from blue to which colour

if you are having wifi connection problems have you ensured that your hub is using another wifi channel other than 36 as that is used by SKY and minis  try 44 or 48

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Message 3 of 5

Re: Customer Services and Useless

You may be suffering from REIN or SHINE issues ( more prevalent this time of year with people lighting up their homes with blinking lights ) basically all  ADSL/VDSL services are susceptible to interference caused by electrical devices that are not adequately suppressed ( search the terms for an explanation ) the 4G ‘unbreakable’ connection doesn’t suffer from this type of interference.

As stated , first you need to establish if your router is actually losing ‘sync’ and having to reconnect, as the line has been checked as OK , and the router replaced, chances are it’s something not under the control of your ISP or Openreach that’s causing your issue , if the router doesn’t re-sync ,  but you have dropouts anyway, then it’s not going to be this.

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Message 4 of 5

Re: Customer Services and Useless

Thanks for the reply - I have a TV and Sky connected via ethernet - the WIFI is working fine as when i fail the broadband over to the mobile back-up (BT hybrid) there are no issues 

I'm also losing IA on Ethernet connected devices on the DSL line  Router is blue and open reach have been out twice and they say no issues 

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Message 5 of 5

Re: Customer Services and Useless

This has nothing to do with Ethernet or WiFi connected devices, it’s if the router drops out , so the blue light goes out and cycles through the start up process until it’s a blue light again , obviously during this re sync cycle you have no DSL service, it’s like your router is turned off and back on again , the interference causes the router to drop and it has to re-sync , taking a minute or two to re-establish a connection.

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