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Message 1 of 18

Download Speeds

So i've been a BT broadband customer for over 10 years, signed up to FTTC almost as soon as it was released and would get 45Mbps consistently. 

Been having latency issues like most BT customers recently which was annoying but I got a router with QOS and it was manageable.

For a couple of weeks now though my download speed has been 25Mbps, I still pay for the top broadband in my area but it seems I simply cant get my old speed anymore. DSL checker says I should get up to 50Mbps

When I check the packages available to me now, apparently I can only get 29-36Mbps with a stayfast of 25Mbps

I'm sorry but that's not on, how on earth can my connection drop over the years instead of get better, how am I only getting half of what I should be. My brother who lives 6 miles away gets 140Mbps

So basically what has happened is you have reduced the speeds of your broadband packages without changing the cost, I had 45Mbps for years paying the same amount up to about a month ago, talk about con your customers

I thought BT didn't throttle connections

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Message 2 of 18

Re: Download Speeds

can you post connection stats from your router

Have you tried the quiet line test? - dial 17070 option 2 - should hear nothing - best done with a corded phone. if cordless phone you may hear a 'dull hum' which is normal

enter your phone number and post results  remember to delete number

as more people are added to your cabinet you start suffering from crosstalk which reduces your connection speed.  this is not BT throttling your connection

what speed your brother gets 6mls away does not affect you as obviously on a different cab to you and probably different exchange

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Message 3 of 18

Re: Download Speeds

I use an Archer c50 router because the standard BT hub doesn't have QOS settings to alleviate latency issues

For the life of me I cant figure out how to get the line stats up, but I have no issues with the connection except for high latency spikes when something is being streamed (a widely reported problem atm)

No fault on the line according to the diagnostic bot

Quiet line test is fine

I understand your point about more people connecting to the cabinet but like I said I had double my current speed about 2 weeks ago, have always had 45Mbps since I signed up to FTTC and I'm still paying the same amount for a lesser connection, frankly BT having more customers while my connection gets worse isn't a good enough excuse

None of these are my fault, all I want is the internet I've been paying for for the last 10 years to be the same as it was 2 weeks ago


Update: Spoken to customer service and my connection is going to be reset so will update here if it changes

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Message 4 of 18

Re: Download Speeds

normally a reset by CS is just a simple reset which you get if you switch off and back on again

have you been having problems with router dropping internet connection or maybe manual resets trying to improve speed or maybe a combination of both

posting connection stats including internet connection time would help

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Message 5 of 18

Re: Download Speeds

Thanks for the speedy replies

I had an evening a week or so back where I was dropping out a lot but apart from that its been fine

Haven't done any manual resets either

This just seems like a massive con to me, expected internet speeds on the packages you provide seem to have dropped all of a sudden. I checked about upgrading my package a couple of months ago to get higher speeds (which I can't) and the expected speeds were higher. Like you say it just seems as there are more people at home now using the internet the expected speeds have dropped. While I understand why that simply isn't ok, I'm paying the same amount as I did 6 months ago for half the speed

If you got a delivery from a supermarket every week and all of a sudden they started sending you half the products you wouldn't be happy so why is it ok here?

Seems I'm not the only one to notice this either

I've spent a good hour looking into getting line stats with my router and simply can't find anything, if this reset doesn't seem to do anything I may fish out my BT hub and get the stats that way

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Message 6 of 18

Re: Download Speeds

Lets just get one thing straight, there is no con involved. You either have a line fault, DLM has taken action due to line stability or thirdly crosstalk has suddenly increased due to a new disturber having been provided.

Without line stats, it is not possible to form a judgment of which it is.

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Message 7 of 18

Re: Download Speeds

the stats will help from whichever router     however if you had connection problems then it may be the DLM has saw your line as unstable resulting in an increase in noise margin and a decrease in connection speed in an attempt to stabilise your connection

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Message 8 of 18

Re: Download Speeds

Doesn't the C50 need a modem which will hold the stats?

Message 9 of 18

Re: Download Speeds

Yep, well spotted.

0 Ratings
Message 10 of 18

Re: Download Speeds

I'm just showing my exasperation at the situation, maybe calling it a con is OTT

I'm a gamer and having high download and consistent connection is very important to me

Like I said if this 'reset' doesn't seem to do anything I will swap back to a BT hub and get the stats

Crosstalk is a term I've seen a lot and it backs up my point in the last post, more connections to the exchange meaning less to go round I understand (think I understand that right?) but that shouldn't be at the detriment of others who are paying for the same product they always have been

Again all I want is the download speeds I had 6 months ago, which I have done nothing to change

Thanks for the help

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