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Message 11 of 23

Re: FTTC Speed Decline

you are in a banded profile probably due to the disconnections whether caused by line noise or manual and the DLM taking action to try and stabilise your line.  A DLM reset is only done after engineer has found and fixed the cause of your dropping connection otherwise it would be pointless if your line continued to drop connection the DLM would again take action and round you go again

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Message 12 of 23

Re: FTTC Speed Decline

I remember reading a ISP Preview article from last year about Openreach giving ISP's the ability to do a dlm reset upon request. I get why they may want to send out an engineer, but if they are unwilling to locate and fix the cause, why can't I get a dlm reset so I can see what's happening for myself? The 10-11db noise margin, the random untimely resyncs to the cab and the data sync vs max attainable isn't normal so there is definitely a fault somewhere.


I get that I'm banded and I also understand that a dlm reset may only be a temporary solution, but if the engineers continue to ignore the issue and nobody will authorise a dlm reset I will probably have to leave BT and go elsewhere. A cheaper option with a dlm reset as part of my new service which I can then monitor myself. It's not a threat. it's a simple request, either way I will wait for the engineer first. but if they don't issue a dlm reset, I think the only other way I can get one is by a moderator on this forum.


I'm spending £39.99 per month (out of contract) for 41Mbps throughput currently. When my max attainable through both the HUB stats and this current router are considerably higher. The HUB 42051 vs router at 44000 sync rate so it did improve a little since switching and after the second round of dsl uptime resets the throughput switched from 39Mbps to 41Mbps through broadband speed checkers.

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Message 13 of 23

Re: FTTC Speed Decline

After the engineers finished ask him to request a DLM reset, it only takes him a phone call.

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Message 14 of 23

Re: FTTC Speed Decline

I will make sure to do that, but the last time I was fobbed off with the "This is the max speed you can achieve on your line" at a time when my noise margin was between 8-8.5 and my max data rate was between 65-67Mbps per sync, so it as dropped off a little since then.


This is why I am here ahead of time just incase they try pulling the same shenanigans again. Fingers crossed a competent engineer turns up, finally fixes whatever keeps causing the problem and does a dlm reset, will make my life easier. If not though can you please forward this to a moderator. 



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Message 15 of 23

Re: FTTC Speed Decline

just read a previous post on 10/3 and concerned that you cannot get your hub/router to connect to internet when you use a filter in the test socket.  assuming filter is ok the one place you should get a connection is in test socket.  even more confusing is by replacing the faceplate you get an internet connection.  are there any connections in use on back of faceplate? 

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Message 16 of 23

Re: FTTC Speed Decline

The corded phone worked both in the test socket and via the filter. There are no extensions behind the faceplate.


dsl works in the master socket (mk3 faceplate)  but wouldn't work when connected to the filter via the test socket. The MK3 faceplate has two entry inputs for phone and dsl so I only had to unscrew the lower half to access the test socket. I never replaced the faceplate though. The MK3 was fitted when the last engineer turned up in 2018.


When I bought the new router I was given another microfilter. Tried the test socket with the filter to begin with but I couldn't establish a connection. So I put the dsl back into the top layer of the faceplate. It was only then I realised I needed to update the PPPOE username and password on the new router to get a connection. So the first microfilter was probably dodgy. As for the second one I haven't tried it in the test socket since.


The line problems has nothing to do with internal wiring. When I tried the test socket in the past I had the exact same problem as the mastersocket with the old faceplate (2016-2018) and the new one since 2018. Test socket never made a difference.  Engineers have done bits and pieces but the one thing they have never done is a dlm reset.

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Message 17 of 23

Re: FTTC Speed Decline

If your master is the one with the dsl and phone socket one above the other then removing just the faceplate does not reveal the test socket hence why no Internet,  you need to remove the middle section which then shows test socket as shown here by black arrow


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Message 18 of 23

Re: FTTC Speed Decline

The test socket behind the panels in the lower right as displayed in the image above is what I tried. It was probably just a dodgy microfilter. When I was troubleshooting in the past and had to use the test socket with a microfilter it always worked, just didn't during my most recent attempt. The second filter that I received as part of my new router will most likely work if I tried the test socket again now I have the router setup.

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Message 19 of 23

Re: FTTC Speed Decline

Engineer turned up today. Initially had no idea what the problem was. Tried his devices in the test socket and I think it was then he discovered a fault near the telepole. About 30 minutes later he returned saying my wire was corroded somewhere near the telepole. So he fixed that, did a dlm reset, replaced the MK3 faceplate with the MK4 one. Did a few more tests with the speed on his device and it was syncing at 52Mbps (Up from 44Mbps) still isn't close to the max attainable of 62Mbps. G.Inp is also disabled for now. He said that he could not see any errors on the line. I think this corroded line issue is more of a recent problem. I have had sync speed issues ever since I switched to BT. Sync speeds dropping, noise margins increasing and the max attainable staying steady for a while then dropping bits at a time. I still think issue is in someway related to the cabinet itself and also crosstalk. I'm not very social though so I never really go chatting to the neighbours about which broadband provider they are with so I can't tell if this is an isolated issue or what. The problems I have on my line seems to be difficult to fault find. Crosstalk is clearly an issue, but there must be more to it.


Can a lift and switch to another port cause further problems to a line? I don't think this helped back in late 2017 early 2018. That switch seemed to make my line perform even worse. This was the second to last Openreach engineer visit. The last one before todays arrival as said already changed the faceplate, spent a bit of time at the telepole, said this is the best I'm going to get, didn't do a dlm reset and left. 


I think I'll finally have to accept that I'm not going to get back to 60-70Mbps. I have been checking my stats over the past 7 hours dsl uptime and my CRC's are already at 25, 4 ES and 78089 FEC's on the downstream so it's not looking good. The engineer did say if the noise margin starts increasing again ring him and let him know, but even if he didn't mind me doing that, I wouldn't want to be a bother.

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Message 20 of 23

Re: FTTC Speed Decline

The FEC errors are not a problem and showing that interleaving is working as expected

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