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Message 11 of 12

Re: Failed install over 6 weeks ago

Hi @kbeaumont 

I suggest speaking with our Customer Care team again so that they can look into it further. Since you've spoken a couple of times already about this, you could ask them to open a complaint on your account, if it hasn't already been done.

The case should then be handled until you get a resolution. Please keep us posted on what happens.

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Message 12 of 12

Re: Failed install over 6 weeks ago

I’ve had a complaint open since install, but approaching 7 weeks in it’s still open.. and just bouncing between Qube engineers and Openreach engineers, each who have closed the ticket saying fixed (when it hasn’t been). 

Apparently there’s no form of escalation process, so I just keep paying the Direct Debit like it’s a GoFundMe 😅

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