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Message 1 of 4

Fibre 1 versus Fibre 2

We have been on Fibre 2 for several years. Have just renewed but when order email arrived, it said Fibre 1. However, speeds quoted (66-73 and 16-18; 60 guaranteed) are same as previous Fibre 2 speeds. It appears we have lost cloud storage and anti virus facilities as a result of downgrade.

Why don’t BT quote like for like renewal prices first, before offering you a “better” deal, which it is not:  it is a downgrade (less for less money)?

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Message 2 of 4

Re: Fibre 1 versus Fibre 2


A few years ago BT upgraded some existing customers speeds from Fibre 1 to Fibre 2 as a loyalty bonus - I was one of them - but still left them with Fibre 1 as the product & the Fibre 1 pricing structure.

Might that have been the case for you?

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Message 3 of 4

Re: Fibre 1 versus Fibre 2

No, we have always had a contract for Fibre 2. When renewing, they offered me a cheaper price (which turned out to be F1) but without telling me I would lose other Fibre 2 options.  I am now trying to find price to renew F2.  BT cannot do this until the F1 order has been processed! What a ponderous way of working 

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Message 4 of 4

Re: Fibre 1 versus Fibre 2

you could try the options team who may be able to help you get back to where your were but with BT systems that will not happen until your existing order completes  0800800030

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