I reported a fault on my line on the 25th Feb, a building firm at the end of my road had pulled the cables down accidently. Openreach turned up prompt the next day and said they didn't have the correct equipment to repair the fibre line or the copper lines to neighbours property there and then and that someone would be out on 28th Feb to fix, a week after this date the copper lines have been put back up and neigbours now have their internet. The fibre line to my property however is still down, despite several calls to BT and a compliant made on the 7th of March that hasn't been responded to.
So my question really is where do I go from here? The BT support staff I speak to cannot give me an answer, 2 have said engineers would be out on certain dates which neither date did an engineer turned up to. Any help or direction to take would be much appreciated.