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Message 1 of 5

Fibre in my area but am told I cannot get Fibre from BT

Hi there,

I have recently moved to a property in an estate that has access to fibre all around the estate.

Our property is the closest approx. 20m from a fibre enabled cabinet. Our next door neighbour has fibre our garages are attached



BT say we can only get standard Broadband and fibre is not available in our area. When the OpenReach engineer came to commission the line he confirmed there was fibre in the cabinet. 

Despite several calls with BT they still say fibre is not available in for our property. 

Is there anything I can do to get this sorted? It seems very strange and the standard broadband is not suitable for our needs.

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Message 2 of 5

Re: Fibre in my area but am told I cannot get Fibre from BT

presumably you are a BT customer
What does this site show for your phone number ?, perhaps you could post the result
0 Ratings
Message 3 of 5

Re: Fibre in my area but am told I cannot get Fibre from BT



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Message 4 of 5

Re: Fibre in my area but am told I cannot get Fibre from BT

From checking cab 15 does not appear to have FTTC   however try phoning the FTTP team on 08005874787 and see if they can help 

the dslchecker shows you have a 20mb connection which is well in excess of that expected

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Message 5 of 5

Re: Fibre in my area but am told I cannot get Fibre from BT

If you know your neighbours with the garage that is attached to your garage  phone number perhaps you could post the result for that property ,

If the number isn’t known try the address option, it would be interesting if shown as FTTC available and the same cab as you,  if you know your where your cabinet is , and are sure it’s fibre enabled ,  as it’s really close by,  perhaps you could check if it’s marked up as Cab  15 ( Cabs usually have the number on them ), you could be recorded on the wrong cab, or , less likely  you could be on a different cab to your neighbour

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