The Fibre speeds in my flat are nearly half the speed of the flat down the hallway (their front door is 3m away from my front door). How can this be possible?! Is there a way to get my connection speeds increased?
My flat:
Neighbour's Flat:
Any information or suggestions would be very much appreciated!
That is is not fibre speed, it is just an estimate of fibre speed. What are your actual speeds as reported by your hub?
I'm moving into the address soon - and therefore do not have a connection in this flat. However, I'm petrified as the speed offer is so much lower than the flat next door. One thing I'd like to mention is, I check the BT broadband deals last week and they were offering a min guarantee of 60Mbps+. Would you know why it would have changed today? They are offering 18.5Mbps min guarantee today 😞
There is currently no actual information for your proposed flat unlike the the other address which will have more a more accurate estimate.
There is no way to know what your actual speed will be until you connect. There's nothing you can do anyway, all providers will be the same speed.
You can cancel within the 14 day cooling off period if you are not happy.