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Message 1 of 6

Full fibre broadband - install

Hive mind - looking to renew contract, possibly.

Looking at full fibre. Absolutely do not want a wire hanging from my house - we live in the country and current cable coming off a telegraph pole onto front of house, looks horrendous.  In fact it's hanging off - called Open Reach a few times to get it fixed back on but nothing actioned. 

Are there any options to put the cable underground , how would I progress?  Ideally no cable would be better but not sure connectivity quite there yet for this.

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Message 2 of 6

Re: Full fibre broadband - install

If your current service is overhead and FTTP becomes available it almost certainly will also be overhead .

As with anything , if you have the budget and ask in the correct place a bespoke underground solution could be provided , but on the basis that you pay a non refundable survey fee ( of somewhere around £300 ) and then the costs to provide underground service will be calculated, go ahead with this bespoke solution , the £300 is deducted from the costs , decide at this point it’s too expensive to proceed , no further costs, your service remains overhead , obviously without knowing the proximity of the pole to your property it’s impossible to provide even a ballpark figure , but if to get to your property underground would require a road crossing ( because the pole is on the other side of the road to your property) a standard road crossing would likely be be over £1000 just for that element of the total job.

If you want a ‘no wires’ (either visible or underground) solution then mobile broadband would seem to be the way to go , but the speed on offer may not be acceptable.

Message 3 of 6

Re: Full fibre broadband - install


Not sure what package you're wanting but to get the high speeds and low latency full fibre is the best option as it's a fibre optic cable all the way from exchange to your property which light travels down.

As @iniltous has said if your current copper based connection is overhead then Openreach's full fibre drop cable will usually follow the same route. You can check though using

If it's overhead then when it's installed they will properly fix the fibre optic cable to the property 

Message 4 of 6

Re: Full fibre broadband - install

Hi - thanks for your response and for attaching the link, super helpful - FTTP is not even an option and it's not a priority either 😞 

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Message 5 of 6

Re: Full fibre broadband - install

Hi - who is responsible for providing an underground option?  We're not over a road, it's on our side.  I haven't heard of mobile broadband before...I will do some research on this. 

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Message 6 of 6

Re: Full fibre broadband - install

You originally state ‘looking at full fibre’ , full fibre  is FTTP , if  FTTP isn’t available how can you be looking at full fibre ?

An underground option , is really a shift of existing service from overhead to underground, your provider  and that presumably  is BT if you are posting here on a BT Consumer forum , should be able to arrange that with Openreach, who are responsible for the external network, the process in essence, you contact BT about your existing BT service , they raise the appropriate order type , you pay £300 for a survey  upfront, Openreach visit and agree with you the method of moving service to underground, they work out the cost of the work , you state the pole is on the same side of the road as you , so no road crossing , but there will be still construction costs , plus any cable/jointing costs , so ( total guess , say the cost is  £1200 ) , minus the £300 , so you are sent an offer to do the work for £900 , if you agree , the work is done when you pay , or the work is done and then you pay , but it’s a pretty rare request and chances are many customers service reps may not be aware this type of thing is available, and consumers , once they know it’s £300 to get a contractually binding price , don’t proceed.

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