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Message 11 of 24

Re: Full fibre install with Complete WiFI

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Why do you want white discs if your black discs currently work?


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Message 12 of 24

Re: Full fibre install with Complete WiFI

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Did it not say further in the thread that black ones don't work with the 900 full fibre hubs?

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Message 13 of 24

Re: Full fibre install with Complete WiFI

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No, read message 5.

The black discs ONLY work with the SH2 which you will already  have and still use for fibre900


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Message 14 of 24

Re: Full fibre install with Complete WiFI

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Whatever discs you currently have will work, they'll just need resetting. You seem to be as confused as we are now what colour you have.

Message 8

"No, I must learn to proof read what I write. I have 4 of the white discs, will be getting only 1 of the black ones with the full fibre kit."

Message 10

"I'm getting 900 next week with Complete Wifi, I only have black discs at the moment, so how do I get the white ones?"

Only black discs are supplied with Complete WiFi and remain BT's property.

White discs are bought by you from the BT Shop and are your property.

Message 15 of 24

Re: Full fibre install with Complete WiFI

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@pippincp I think you need a trip to Specsavers, this is a different poster to the original 😀😀😀

Message 16 of 24

Re: Full fibre install with Complete WiFI

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How right you are.🤣🤣🤣

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Message 17 of 24

Re: Full fibre install with Complete WiFI

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@licquorice Thanks for that, I'll sit tight and hold onto my SH2 and black discs.

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Message 18 of 24

Re: Full fibre install with Complete WiFI

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Hi, OP here ! 
 I stuck with the original white discs and can confirm that they work well with full fibre 900. The only issue was that the smart hub 2 that I had did not support FTTP - seems there are two varieties out there. This seemed to fox the engineer and he left me on the phone to BT to get a new one delivered - so potentially 3 days without services. I found one on Amazon which was delivered next day and got it working by myself…

worth checking you have the right hub- don’t assume it’s right one as BT did…

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Message 19 of 24

Re: Full fibre install with Complete WiFI

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Both versions of SH2 work with FTTP. The 'engineer' was incorrect.

Originally, there were 2 versions of hub, one with a dedicated red WAN port and 3 LAN ports and one with 4 LAN ports. A firmware update many months ago provided an option in the hub management page to toggle LAN port 4 from a LAN port to a WAN port on the second version.

Message 20 of 24

Re: Full fibre install with Complete WiFI

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