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Message 1 of 5

How deep is a trench dug for full fibre

Hi all


How deep is the trench supposed to be dug by Openreach to lay ducting etc for full fibre?

One neighbour just had their layer of chippings moved no digging and chippings placed back on so no digging as such but ducting  is fully visible  and not protected.

My husband will move our chippings & membrane to stop weeds coming through  then dig channel I have looked but Ive seen anywhere between 10 and 20 cms.  We were told someone will come round and view the garden , they said a surveyor lol, who will note and tell openreach we are digging and also hubby will drill hole  where the cable will come through to the house.

Any experiences or comments please x

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Message 2 of 5

Re: How deep is a trench dug for full fibre

Duct to the premises/building must be laid at a minimum depth of 250mm and be as straight as possible.

Quick Guide Duct laying 


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Message 3 of 5

Re: How deep is a trench dug for full fibre


Yes I read that about 25cm deep.  How on earth are Openreach getting away with just moving a single layer of chippings, pebbles etc then laying it on top of the soil never mind 25cm deep and then replacing chippings etc.

I have physically seen this on numerous properties nearby.  Yes you see the grey ducting laying with pebbles.  Also saw a trench being dug in a garden by OR and it was only 2 ins deep, yes turf was replaced back on.

Are they not instructed to go 25 cm as its states we both agree on because like the attachment you sent this should happen.  My hubby will dig 25cm trench himself, have told BT this and they said they messaged OR to the effect.

Have you had this done and if so what depth did they go?


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Message 4 of 5

Re: How deep is a trench dug for full fibre

Openreach and BT are not interchangeable names , BT Consumer division are not responsible for what Openreach do or don’t do 

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Message 5 of 5

Re: How deep is a trench dug for full fibre

No I didn't need to have it done, all my services are delivered underground.

Openreach did have to dig up the pavement sometime back to get a fibre to one of my neighbours due to the ducting having an obstruction of some sort and I was able to see that the they dug down more like 3ft to get to it

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