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Message 1 of 3

Internet lost every evening


I have a problem that is driving me crazy! Starting about 6 months ago I started to lose the internet in the early evening – typically between 6pm and 6:30pm, but sometimes earlier & sometimes later, I would go to open a web page on my PC and find I no longer had an internet connection. Turning PC on and off made no difference, turning router on & off made no difference. After a period of time – maybe 5 minutes, maybe an hour but typically 10-15 minutes I would have internet access again.

Because of the timing, I assume this must be some sort of congestion but what & where?  BT say there is nothing wrong and Openreach say there is nothing wrong & yet nearly every evening, there it goes. I have a number of smart devices (about 20 – 25 on line) but don’t play games on line and am not streaming anything when this issue occurs.

There is absolutely nothing I can think of that happens in my house that might cause this & doubt it is wifi conflict with nearby houses as they are all at least 75 metres away & (for example) I can only “see” 4-5 nearby networks. A clue might be that if I turn off my wifi when this issue occurs my pc does resume it’s connection; turn wifi back on and the connection is lost again. Then, as I say, typically after 10 minutes or so, everything is OK wifi on or not.


Many thanks for any help or ideas!

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Message 2 of 3

Re: Internet lost every evening

It sounds like something is attempting a cloud upload over your WiFi, possibly swamping your upload stream, this will cause symptoms like this.

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Message 3 of 3

Re: Internet lost every evening

What type of broadband do you have? Is it Fibre to the Cabinet (FTTC) or Fibre to the Premises (FTTP)?

Have you checked that there are no Parental Controls set up?

Do the lights on the BT Hub change colour when it happens?

Do you have any items/devices in your house that "switch on" or "Switch off" about that time?

Does this happen to all devices or only to your PC?

Have you checked that your PC has up to date wireless drivers. Check on the wireless cards manufacture's web site not Windows update. 

To establish if it is a device such as your PC that is causing the problem have you tried a process of elimination by disconnecting all your devices prior to 6pm, starting with the PC, and add one per day until you have found or eliminated the device.

In case I have not been clear, I mean to do this each day leaving all devices connected until prior to 6pm and not having them disconnected the whole time. Obviously this could take 20-25 days but it will rule in or out the devices.



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