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Message 11 of 12

Re: Mis Sold Full Fibre 900 Halo 3

Staying with your car analogy, if you bought a Porsche with 200 mph top speed and then set out into rush hour traffic in a large city and took  1hour to travel 9 miles , I doubt you would then complain to the manufacturer that the real world speed of the car  is 9mph , the vehicle is no less capable but the environment dictated that reduced speed , change the environment by taking the car on a race track and the top speed could be achieved, if you chose to use WiFi and suffer a severe reduction in speed , you can mitigate this by using equipment designed to improve WiFi performance or use wired devices.

You service is capable of the speeds claimed, but the environment you use it in is beyond the ISP control.

Message 12 of 12

Re: Mis Sold Full Fibre 900 Halo 3

@FibreDetractor wrote:

Thanks for the detail regarding the Stay Fast Guarantee, I had not been able to find any  BT reference to the speed delivered to devices.

However, the marketing that came with full fibre being available, did not mention this at all.

I have looked at a new quote today, and again no caution regarding actual delivery to devices v hub speed.

The hub was installed at one end of the house, and the speed I get in my study is 146.

This is 21% of the quoted guaranteed speed.

I compare it to a cars MPG. If it quotes 50mpg, I understand this is under ideal conditions, but I do not expect it to be 21% of the advertised MPG at 10mpg in reality.

I have already explained why BT and other ISPs can not give wireless speeds to devices.

Does it say anywhere in what you have read that BT is saying it is the speed to the devices? 

What speed do you get when you connect directly to the Smarthub with an Ethernet cable? If that is below your guaranteed speed then you have grounds for complaint.


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