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Message 1 of 2

Multiple Instances of Broadband Dropping Out, Finalising with Phoneline Disconnected & No Broadband


In the past few weeks, I've been experiencing multiple instances of my internet connection dropping out, signified by a purple flashing light on a BT Homehub 6. These drop outs seemed to be fairly random in frequency and duration, typically lasting for only a few minutes and occurring every couple of hours or so in a day, perhaps every couple of days or sometimes one day after the other.

This culminated in an internet disconnection on 02/10, where the purple flashing light was consistently present for hours at a time, from before 06:30 to 21:30. During this period, I spoke to BT customer support and they deemed it was related to digital voice being enabled in the area and that I required a Smart Hub 2 for the internet connection to resume, which I received on 04/10. They were, however, confused by the fact that the landline still had a dial tone.

Since the prolonged disconnect, the connection had remained fairly stable with the Homehub and then the Smart Hub when I received it. Until today, when at around 14:30 the hub disconnected, flashed with the purple light for 3-5 minutes or so and then continued to flash orange. I realised at this time that the phone line had also been disconnected with no dial tone to speak of.

I've contacted BT support this evening and they've deemed that the Digital Voice order was somehow botched and was supposed to go through earlier this week, hence the disconnected landline. Unfortunately, however, they were once again confused, this time as to why the internet would be disconnected.

I am now also very confused, as I don't believe I'm getting any concrete answers as to what the actual issue might be. Would anyone happen to have any ideas or similar experiences, which might shine a light on what the problem actually is? Thanks in advance.

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Message 2 of 2

Re: Multiple Instances of Broadband Dropping Out, Finalising with Phoneline Disconnected & No Bro...

Hi @Bear-Face,

Thank you for posting. I sorry if you've been left without a Broadband connection. The activation of Digital Voice shouldn't have affected your Broadband connection. To try and get a better understanding of what's gone wrong, I would need to take a look at your account.

I have sent you a private message with instructions on how to contact the team.  You can access your messages via the envelope icon at the top right of the screen, or click on this link, Private messages



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