Hello All.
In recent weeks this object has been installed on a telephone pole outside my house. It has various new cables going up into it and these are protected lower down by a galvanised cover. A notice lower down says something about Fibre cables.
Solved! Go to Solution.
That is just a Fibre splice point, doesn't mean FTTP available to you soon. It could be for any ISP or AltNet using PIA or could be a businnes or CCTV connectioon. Don't get excited about FTTP.
The notice further down would give more info.
This is what's lower down.
Just shows that it is an Openreach fibre joint.
Depending on the situation, fibre nodes or intermittent joints can be attached to poles, in many cases there is no duct between poles , so faced with the choice of building jointboxes at the foot of poles and ducting between these boxes , this is a much cheaper way of connecting things together.
FTTP doesn’t use cabinets, the main fibre distribution to the Aggregation Nodes will be underground , small and medium’Nodes’ and IJ’s are fitted in the most appropriate places , that could be on poles
You are thinking of FTTC (Fibre To The Cabinet) which comes from the cabinet over copper.
FTTP (Fibre To The Premesis) by definition is fibre all the way to you.
The 2 aluminium strips indicate that there should be 2 CBTs at the top of the pole (the letters stamped on are the IDs of them).
Too many Acronyms now! 😁