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Message 1 of 7

Trying to get Fibre Installed

Currently I don’t have fibre, my line is connected directly to the exchange instead of being through a cabinet so I have minimal speeds.

I have been trying for over a year to try find someone to install a fibre connection for me and I’ve had zero success except being sent in circles by open reach.

The latest from open reach is that I need to contact a fibre provider and tell them I’d like FTTP and want to pay for the installation myself. Is this even possible or do open reach need to do the installation and provide the infrastructure?

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Message 2 of 7

Re: Trying to get Fibre Installed

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Message 3 of 7

Re: Trying to get Fibre Installed

I suspect you have been given misleading information, if you were in a FTTC area but were too far from the cabinet to benefit, or you just wanted faster speeds,  there is an Openreach product FTTPod where , if you pay for the construction costs, a fibre to your premises will be provided , but only a few ISP’s offer this ( BT and other  ‘big’ names don’t offer it,  they tend to be smaller niche brands ) , but you state you are on an E/O line anyway , so that doesn’t apply even if you were willing to pay for it.

You could check if your area has some sort of BDUK organisation looking to subsidise the costs of areas that are not commercially viable , or check with other operators, or even consider mobile broadband.

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Message 4 of 7

Re: Trying to get Fibre Installed


I suspect you have been given misleading information, if you were in a FTTC area but were too far from the cabinet to benefit, or you just wanted faster speeds,  there is an Openreach product FTTPod where , if you pay for the construction costs, a fibre to your premises will be provided , but only a few ISP’s offer this ( BT and other  ‘big’ names don’t offer it,  they tend to be smaller niche brands ) , but you state you are on an E/O line anyway , so that doesn’t apply even if you were willing to pay for it.

You could check if your area has some sort of BDUK organisation looking to subsidise the costs of areas that are not commercially viable , or check with other operators, or even consider mobile broadband.

An exchange only line is not a barrier to FTTPoD.

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Message 5 of 7

Re: Trying to get Fibre Installed

Perhaps you can show an image of an E/O line that shows FTTPod as available on the wholesale checker, or perhaps the OP could show their return from ,

If provided with some evidence to show it available in the OP’s case I’d happily accept your assertion, 

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Message 6 of 7

Re: Trying to get Fibre Installed

As above, FTTPoD (a bespoke FTTP build option that cost several thousand £) cannot be ordered on an exchange only line.


There's no technical reason why an EO line can't consume the product but for whatever reason OpenReach have made the decision to only allow orders on lines connected to an FTTC cabinet.

This guarantees there's is an Aggregation Node already in place, which may be the reason.

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Message 7 of 7

Re: Trying to get Fibre Installed

I' hold my hand up,I misread an Openreach bulletin.😓

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