VDSL is the signal that carries broadband, and has nothing to do with FTTC, only that it delivers it. Our VDSL is almost non existent because it's a long line and was made in the 70's, so isn't suitable for any kind of broadband use.
If I could show you that measurements from the actual master socket I would, but I can't because I don't have the equipment. I can only say that it's been done and the measurements were taken by BT engineers.
Our VDSL is very low and so wouldn't be any good for any kind of broadband use - hence the phone line needing to be changed, with a more modern type.
You have already posted the dslchecker results using your phone number and shows your line can support a VDSL connection of between 55 and 40mb so your line even after 40 years supports a good broadband connection. This totally disproves your assertion that your phone line will not support broadband
So, why are the BT engineers telling me that the VDSL is very low? I wish I could measure the actual master socket and show you the results, but I can't, as I don't have any kind of measuring equipment.
So what is shown from the checker doesn't appear to be what the BT engineers read when they plug their device into the master socket and give a very low VDSL reading, and tell me the phone line needs to be changed for broadband.
Maybe a BT engineer has the answer but it is a mystery to me as well.
@imjolly I used to be a member of the 'Buzby Club'! 😄
I have absolutely no idea why you keep peddling this totally ridiculous idea that lines from the seventies can't support broadband, the vast majority of lines in this country date from this era or earlier (mine included) wire does not deteriorate with age.
So VDSL has nothing to do with FTTC , really ? , how many Openreach VDSL ‘lines’ are provided from anywhere other than a FTTC cabinet ?,
Given your obvious lack of understanding ,and your question, ‘I just need to know what VDSL clear and VDSL impacted mean’ , I would have thought you would appreciate generalisations and contributors not getting too technical trying to give you some insight , given that you believe that the age of a copper pair has some baring on what services it can support, ‘dumbing it down’ seems the obvious path to take.
You continue to make nonsensical statements , VDSL ( actually it’s VDSL2 that is used, but why over complicate the matter ) is an acronym for Very high speed Digital Subscriber Line , so your statement ‘So, why are the BT engineers telling me that the VDSL is very low’ doesn’t even make sense as a sentence, let a lone a technical description, and illustrates why you need things explained in the simplest terms , but apparently even this approach is not helping you understand.
There is no point continuing with this ‘conversation’ , believe whatever you want , just don’t expect anyone with even the most basic understanding of these things to agree with you.
@AnonymousFrom the limited data from your smartphone it would appear FTTP is available to you. That would solve your problem at the same price.
I'm assuming you are on FTTC ATM as you keep harping on about VDSL which is only supplied by FTTC.
The full checker results would give more info.
@iniltous I can't see what you are getting at @iniltous ?? I get very low VDSL on my phone line due to it being a crappy line from the 70s.
Its what the engineers tell me about my line, so wouldn't be suitable for broadband.
You appear to be turning a rational description of my problem into a debate where there is none.
The speed checker shows that everything is hunky-dory and my VDSL and broadband is fine, when the reality is VDSL is very low for me on the line, and my phone line wouldn't be suitable for a broadband connection. I have been told this by BT engineers when they check the line from the master socket. The mystery for me is why isn't the checker reflecting this? Or is the BT checker only an estimate rather than the reality of what I am receiving?
@licquorice Because some lines from the 1970's can't support broadband. Where are you going with that @licquorice ? 😂
You are totally and utterly clueless, there is absolutely no point in continuing this dialogue.