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Message 1 of 4

Very poor upload & download speed- is everything in check here?

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Hi there. I am recently graduated and now looking to work from home- my area of work will require a great deal of both downloading and uploading substantially sized files. I am concerned due to the incredibly limited internet I have at my parents' house than what was once an inconvenience (I had to babysit a 4 HOUR upload for a single 20 second video for one uni submission at an offpeak time) will become a genuine barrier to entry to this field.

Attached is the relevant documents from the hub and broadband checker. Is everything looking correct here? The download / upload speeds match the numbers for the maximum rate, but might I have missed anything? If not, what would you advise?

I realise this probably is just a case of everything's in order, it's just a slow connection. But I'm really quite desperate and frustrated with my current situation as someone who relies on having a strong connection and it being so slow mixed with technophobic parents.



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Message 2 of 4

Re: Very poor upload & download speed- is everything in check here?

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your stats look ok with connection speed within the expected range as shown by the dslchecker   you are just to far from street cabinet to get much master

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Message 3 of 4

Re: Very poor upload & download speed- is everything in check here?

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Ok, understandable. Would changing providers do anything to help this i.e. is this a BT thing? Virgin is available in the area.

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Message 4 of 4

Re: Very poor upload & download speed- is everything in check here?

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Stats are stats I'm afraid, changing ISP will not get you any better speed or line results.

If you have Virgin available and want more speed then you would be better going that route 

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