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Message 1 of 13

Why can't I get fibre?

In July of 2023 I received an email from Openreach saying that Ultrafast Full Fibre would be available at my address in September 2023. I can't remember when, but it was at least a year ago, that they dug up the street and installed fibre. And yet, a year after it was supposed to be available, it is not. I can see that one business on my street is eligible for full fibre, but none of the residences are.

Will I ever get fibre? I don't understand the situation at all, so if someone could explain it to me, I'd appreciate it. 

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Message 2 of 13

Re: Why can't I get fibre?

Chuck in your address here and post the result obscuring your address:

BT Broadband (

Also check here:

Fibre Checker (

Not all ISP's use BT Wholesale, for example my Fibre went live with Openreach in September 2023 and I was able to order Fibre products from Sky, TalkTalk and Vodafone (and some others) in the October 2023, BT and EE however only reflected I could in Jan 2024, due to Wholesale being behind for whatever reason.

Ive seen in some cases it is just a database that needs updating to reflect the work is done and this gets missed. Anyway the above two links should shed some light, if Openreach say you can get FTTP and BT say you cant, you may find you can get it from another provider, if you have only checked BT.

BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra
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Message 3 of 13

Re: Why can't I get fibre?

When I enter my postcode into, a little arrow turns on the right (ie the graphic showing "we're looking this up") then disappears and the right side of the page remains blank. I tested other postcodes and they return the same response.

On it shows 'ultrafast full fibre' is not available at my address, but is available at a business next door.

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Message 4 of 13

Re: Why can't I get fibre?

Unfortunately if the Openreach site says not available that's quite black and white.

Looks like BT Checker isnt working at the moment, you can try your telephone number for you land line if you have it.

Its very hard to get in touch with Openreach and find out any reasons why its not available to you, aside from the business who else can get it?


BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra
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Message 5 of 13

Re: Why can't I get fibre?

After checking the other addresses in my postcode, the Tesco Express immediately on one side of me is eligible for fibre, the business on the other side is eligible for fibre, then the next set of flats does not, the next business is not, and the next business is. 

I'm assuming that although they installed fibre on my street, which is mostly flats, they decided not to actually provide fibre to the flats.

I guess this allows them to say our postcode is covered, when actually 100% of the residents can't get fibre because there are no ground-level residences. But I still don't understand why some ground-level businesses have it and others don't. And I also don't understand why they sent me an email saying it would be available in my flat last September and haven't sent any updates since. 

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Message 6 of 13

Re: Why can't I get fibre?

I just think they have probably prioritized the businesses, I expect the Tesco has a leased line anyway rather than a BT Business connection and a Smart Hub 3. Even if the Fibre checker said a given address cannot get fibre they can probably still pay to have leased line. 

Could be all sorts of reasons, Openreach could have come up against challenges they werent anticipating, I dont think they have done it a certain way to just say the post code is covered. Openreach arent great at giving updates and its even harder on their website now to try and submit a enquiry, there used to be a way of doing it if anyone else can still find it.

Back in 2023 I was able on a couple times to speak with an agent who gave me some information, they had an IS Service Desk, seems impossible to find that now.

BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra
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Message 7 of 13

Re: Why can't I get fibre?

@lina2  You can also check Openreach. 

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Message 8 of 13

Re: Why can't I get fibre?

MDU ( multi dwelling units ) are generally excluded from  the build of an area because they present various problems ( access to the common areas like corridors , risers , they need permits, wayleaves etc from freeholders , management agents , etc there are many third party involvement not just the flat owner / tenants ) , MDU are not an easy proposition for network builders.

After an area is provided with FTTP ( that is the SDU’s  , single dwelling units ) Openreach may revisit to pick up the MDU’s , but that is a separate department , they are  are familiar with what’s required, obtaining the various permits, etc that MDU need ( including the legal aspects ) plus the method of FTTP delivery can be different from SDU , where every property has a door facing public land , flats often have a single main entrance and the units inside don’t have public access , MDU don’t necessarily use the same equipment as SDU .

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Message 9 of 13

Re: Why can't I get fibre?

I wonder why they sent an email to people in my building saying we'd have fibre last year when it sounds like there are no plans to get fibre for people who live in flats at all.

Fwiw, my building is a newer one and the guy who installed the broadband said it has (I can't remember the language used) what is basically a small tunnel in the wall leading to each flat to allow for wiring etc that he said could be used when fibre would be installed. So I'm not sure why there would be any added permits needed than for a private home.

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Message 10 of 13

Re: Why can't I get fibre?

put your address in here , and post the results, specifically the part that looks like this , 

Our records show the following FTTP network service information for these premises:-Single Dwelling Unit Residential UG Feed with no anticipated issues.


This is for a SDU ( single dwelling unit ) you  may show MDU but it’s the rest of the info that may be useful.

Post the results for your flat/apartment .

FWIW , its possible that every address in a postcode gets a ‘coming soon’ notification, even if they are not likely to get it because they are in a MDU.

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