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Message 11 of 20

Re: download speed is poor , upload speed still good.

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Thanks Pippincp,

  I really hope they do do something, the speed seems to be going down everyday. since the engineer visit today download has dropped further to 2.08mbps and has become virtually unusable. It's very frustrating because I was getting 36mbps+ consistently for months so I can get that speed no problem.

The engineer said all the internal equipment is fine, I assume they do some sort of test on the router when they check everything out?


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Message 12 of 20

Re: download speed is poor , upload speed still good.

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Don't worry @nannajan13  as soon as the mods pick it up for you they will stay in contact with you until you say it's resolved. Wait for them to get in touch with you. Don't think you'll speed things up by ringing customer support.

As soon as your reply to thier PM gets to the top of the queue they'll be in touch, normally about 3 days.

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Message 13 of 20

Re: download speed is poor , upload speed still good.

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Thank you, I will hang on for them as you suggest.  

I have just received an email from BT saying your service should be up and running now and if not restart your router which I have done but the problem is still the same. I guess the email was generated because of the engineer visit, although he agreed nothing had been accomplished by his visit.

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Message 14 of 20

Re: download speed is poor , upload speed still good.

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Hi @nannajan13,

Thank you for taking my call today. I'm sorry the last engineer wasn't able to repair the service.

I've ran a few test and it is picking up a fault on the network. I've booked another engineer to visit on the 21st and I'll follow up with you again on Thursday to see how the connection is performing.



Message 15 of 20

Re: download speed is poor , upload speed still good.

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Thank you Paddy,

   I appreciate you trying to sort this out for me and arranging a second engineer appointment.

Just wanted to check something, on Sunday morning I received a text message from 61998 saying BT had done extra checks and that my broadband was still below minimum guaranteed speed. I needed to reply NEXT or MORE for appointments within the next 7 days or the fault would be closed. I wasn't sure which department the text came from, whether it was from a Mod or another BT department.                                                                                                                                     I text MORE for a choice of appointments straight away.

Obviously today you called and have arranged for an engineer to come out on the morning of 21st which I am very happy with.  

This evening I received another text from 61998 giving me a choice of texting 1 for a morning appointment and 2 for an afternoon appointment. I don't want to do anything that will jeopardise the appointment you made, is it best to just ignore the text message? I have a feeling if I telephone to explain I already have an appointment something is bound to go wrong and I will end up with no appointment.


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Message 16 of 20

Re: download speed is poor , upload speed still good.

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Sorry I am a little confused, I checked on MyBT shortly after I spoke to you and the fault was showing and the appointment you arranged for the 21st was showing although I haven't received any confirmation email or anything.

Just to be sure I have checked again this evening and this is what I see when tracking a fault.

Track faults

There are no faults to display for this account.

No fault is showing and no engineer appointment is showing. Have I definitly got an engineer coming on the 21st? 

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Message 17 of 20

Re: download speed is poor , upload speed still good.

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The OpenReach engineer that PaddyB arranged turned up 😀  I was concerned when the MyBT showed no fault that they wouldn't, but they did and within the timeframe PaddyB said they would.

The engineer was really helpful and checked everything and made sure all was up and running before he left.

It turned out that the OpenReach work outside the property had nothing to do with our problem, it was just coincidental that the problem started a couple of days later.

The fault showed up on the engineers equipment as an extension fault, although we have no extension to our current line. The explanation was that previously we had two BT lines coming in at the same point (one no longer used with no signal). BT moved the line we kept years ago but it appears that the original line into the house also remained connected although we thought it was redundant. This has never caused any problems over the years it has been like that but apparently somehow it was now causing a fault. The engineer disconnected the old line and hey presto the fault disappeared. 

While here the engineer tested everything from the road right up to the router (which did play up a bit at first staying orange) but he sorted that. The download speed has gone from 2mbps to 46mbps! 

I want to say a big thank you to PaddyB I really appreciate you sorting this out for us, fingers crossed the problem is permanently solved.

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Message 18 of 20

Re: download speed is poor , upload speed still good.

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@nannajan13 wrote:

The OpenReach engineer that PaddyB arranged turned up 😀  I was concerned when the MyBT showed no fault that they wouldn't, but they did and within the timeframe PaddyB said they would.

The engineer was really helpful and checked everything and made sure all was up and running before he left.

It turned out that the OpenReach work outside the property had nothing to do with our problem, it was just coincidental that the problem started a couple of days later.

The fault showed up on the engineers equipment as an extension fault, although we have no extension to our current line. The explanation was that previously we had two BT lines coming in at the same point (one no longer used with no signal). BT moved the line we kept years ago but it appears that the original line into the house also remained connected although we thought it was redundant. This has never caused any problems over the years it has been like that but apparently somehow it was now causing a fault. The engineer disconnected the old line and hey presto the fault disappeared. 

While here the engineer tested everything from the road right up to the router (which did play up a bit at first staying orange) but he sorted that. The download speed has gone from 2mbps to 46mbps! 

I want to say a big thank you to PaddyB I really appreciate you sorting this out for us, fingers crossed the problem is permanently solved.

Hey @nannajan13 

Thank you for posting back!

I'm really pleased to see that the engineer managed to get things sorted out for you.  I am sure you're delighted.  I'll let @PaddyB know that you've posted 😀



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Message 19 of 20

Re: download speed is poor , upload speed still good.

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An update on what has been happening since the engineers visit.

At the moment the speed is still OK but I am still getting the following happening, it has happened twice since the fault on the line was supposed to be repaired 2 days ago.

WAN connection WAN2_INTERNET_PTM disconnected.[ERROR_NO_CARRIER]

Is this something I should be concerned about?

The engineer did a good job within our property boundary but didn't look in the BT box outside the boundary where OpenReach had worked and when the original fault started a few days later. I did mention the work on the box but the engineer said the speed coming through the line was good and there wasn't a problem showing on his equipment. But if this is an intermittent fault might it not show on the equipment?

The engineer said the router would need 10 days to settle is this likely to settle or do I still have a problem on the line?

I would be grateful for any advise as to whether I need this problem looked into again.





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Message 20 of 20

Re: download speed is poor , upload speed still good.

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Final update (hopefully)

The engineer visit mentioned on the 24-07-2021 that seemed to have rectified the problem had in fact not worked. The disconnections continued each early morning and the speed dropped each time.

Paddy the BT Mod on here has been amazingly helpful and seemed determined to sort the problem. He called quite a few times to keep me updated and to check things my end.

After the BT engineer visit and the open reach visit already mentioned he arranged for two more engineer visits from Openreach. The first one sorted the problem for a day but then the problem reoccurred. The final Openreach engineer was excellent and literally checked everything that had already been done in or around the premises. It was fortunate that the intermittent fault happened to register on his equipment and he did say he hadn't come across what seemed to be happening before.

Anyway as had been requested by Paddy the BT Mod the engineer said the only option was to try a lift and shift. He did the lift and shift returned to make sure the hub was connected. He didn't reset the speed as the other engineers had done preferring for the line to settle itself, I was getting very close to my 30mbps anyway so that wasn't a problem.

I did have disconnections for the next few days but the speed never reduced in fact it has gradually increased and I am currently getting 50mbps. The last disconnection was over 3 days ago so it is looking like the lift and shift has worked.

Paddy continued to monitor the line and said all is looking good from their end and the possible cause could have been crosstalk at the box, but I guess we will never know for sure.

Anyway just wanted to say a very BIG THANK YOU to Paddy I really appreciate all your help and determination to get this sorted.