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Message 1 of 7

ping continually spiking every 10-15 seconds

Hi All,

At first I thought my problems were just crappy servers whilst gaming online and using wifi. I changed to wired and the problems persisted and tried different games to no avail. I used ping.canbeuseful and my ping averages 30-35ms great you may be thinking?? but every 10-15 seconds it spikes to 300ms plus .Tried this wired and on wifi with laptop and the results are the same and this explains why gaming online has become impossible due to this.

I have fibre to the cabinet but as i live in the countryside its copper for a few kilometres to the house and its been great going from 2mbps to 30mbps. Its never been a problem until there was a fault on the line about 6 - 8 weeks ago any thoughts as even watching streams on the laptop causes momentary pauses like for a second or less.

Any thoughts how i should approach this?????


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Message 2 of 7

Re: ping continually spiking every 10-15 seconds

Check for noise on your line. Ring 17070, select option 2. The line should be silent between announcements. Best done with corded phone, you may get a dull background hum with a cordless.

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Message 3 of 7

Re: ping continually spiking every 10-15 seconds

Hi did the line test as suggested all i could hear was a low frequency sound best described as shhhhhhhhhhhhhh that was constant and fixed and i used a corded phone.In the process of uploading tracert and BT wholesale test report and hub stats.


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Message 4 of 7

Re: ping continually spiking every 10-15 seconds

tracert.jpgBT wholesale.jpghub1.jpghub2 .jpgspeed test.jpgtest results.jpg

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Message 5 of 7

Re: ping continually spiking every 10-15 seconds

Look at this what is going on?????


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Message 6 of 7

Re: ping continually spiking every 10-15 seconds

Amazon music can't even play without stuttering and stopping due to latency spikes.Spoke to someone at BT but must be a general bod with no tech skills "oh we'll reset your line, like that is going to cure anything. VOD not a problem as this buffers out any spikes but gaming and live streaming a bloody nightmare.

Can you pay for an engineer to come out and analyse your line stats and not just a throw on a TDR but actual proper interrogation??because its not internal,its not the hubs as I've tried 3 and when it shows its BT's fault hit them with the engineers bill??

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Message 7 of 7

Re: ping continually spiking every 10-15 seconds

Any thoughts ?? anyone???

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