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Message 1 of 7

router d.c 3-4 times a day

Any help or ideas appreciated please


Since 1-2 weeks my bt smart hub router disconnects and restarts upto 3-4 daily where the sync speed drops by 10mb


I've never had this issue I've noticed the router gets hot very easy. It's 2 years old. Is it possible to get a free replacement. It always seems to restart between 9-12pm daily

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Message 2 of 7

Re: router d.c 3-4 times a day

Hi @nolimitzz 

Welcome to the Community. 

Before ordering a replacement, have you tried switching your router off for around 5 mins and back on again? 
It may seem simple, but restarting your router can update your connection to the internet for a stable service.

If that doesn't resolve the issue the next step is to reset your router. Usually there is a reset button you press for a few seconds until the lights go out. When you let go it will go through a set up sequence. 

Please let us know how you get on with those steps. 


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Message 3 of 7

Re: router d.c 3-4 times a day

Hi I've done all this.


I notice it does this 3/4 times daily then it's stable also almost aleays in the morning

Currently I get 40 download it will disconnect few times then settle at 31 or under


All filters wires have been checked it's a basic setup only a router with a digital phone attached

The router is over 2 years old and makes creaky noises

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Message 4 of 7

Re: router d.c 3-4 times a day

2yr is not old for your Bt Hub.

do you drop connection about same time every night? does the hub change colour from blue when connection drops?

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Message 5 of 7

Re: router d.c 3-4 times a day

Sounds like you've taken all the right steps  @nolimitzz 

If you're router is making abnormal noises, 'd suggest speaking to the technical team in Broadband Customer Care who will be able to look at this for you. If you have a BT or EE phone just call 150. 

Alternatively, you can text HELP to 61998 (charges may apply at your standard rate).
• We’ll run tests on your connection to find out what’s going on.
• If you need an engineer, we’ll text you in 15 minutes to book a slot.
• If you don’t need an engineer, our brilliant team will call you within 30 minutes to help solve your issue.


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Message 6 of 7

Re: router d.c 3-4 times a day

Connection drops 9-11.30am router reboots


It goes purple then red green ect

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Message 7 of 7

Re: router d.c 3-4 times a day

Thanks I'll do that and yes churning or creaaoy sounds at times

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