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Message 1 of 2

COntract Renewal BB + Mobile

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(Not sure which Board to post this in)

I rang BT in the week to renew Line Rental Saver and apart from doing that the advisor gave me price for renewing broad band contract which was cheaper than currently paying. As I also have (or had) BT Mobile SIM only he explained that BT Mobile customers are being moved across to EE so as the price wasn't that more than with BT I said. I was quoted £9/month for EE and the BT advisor ordered and set everything up with EE.

I have received the EE SIM and when I look at my EE account it has a plan cost of £10.00.

Who do I ring about this? BT as they set up the EE contract and will have the call recording or EE?

I'm inclined to cancel the EE as still within 14 days and move back to BT but I suspect I won't get the same deal I was on originally.




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Message 2 of 2

Re: COntract Renewal BB + Mobile

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I'd probably call BT on 150 and make a complaint.

It could just be an oversight and they haven't added on a discount to the EE account. 

I've not found any evidence that EE is as cheap as BT Mobile so far, what deal were you on before?

I took the Black Friday deal of £10 giving me 40GB data, on EE that same deal is £25.

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