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Message 1 of 8

OMA Client Provisioning

Setting up a new phone.  Got a text (supposedly) from BT Mobile saying “We noticed your’re using a different phone.  To use mobile data and picture messages you’ll need to accept the configuration settings we’re about to send you”.

I’ve also got 2 provisioning updates from “OMA Client Provisioning” pending.  Seems a little unclear as to what is going on here, so can anyone confirm for me that these are two things are connected and legitimate?  Thanks in anticipation.

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Message 2 of 8

Re: OMA Client Provisioning

Phone BT and ask?

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Message 3 of 8

Re: OMA Client Provisioning

Yes, tried that.  Very difficult to get through these days.  Looking into this "OMA Provisioning" it looks to have exploit  vulnerability written all over it.  I was hoping someone on here has had a similar experience and could shed light on whether it was legit.

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Message 4 of 8

Re: OMA Client Provisioning

It's a system generated SMS with all the MMS and Data settings in... I had the same last year and it's just an auto set-up thing... It's fine to accept

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Message 5 of 8

Re: OMA Client Provisioning

Thanks for that Nigel.  I suspected as much but when I looking into what OMA was it looked to have a lot of potential security issues with it.  The MMS one installed OK.  The Internet one failed but doesn't seem to give me the opportunity to try again.  Would you know if that's something I can ignore or do I need to chase BT up about it?

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Message 6 of 8

Re: OMA Client Provisioning

It could have failed because the internet gateways are already set if the handset was provided by BT Mobile. I think the pushed settings are mainly for MMS and SMS and are a throw back to yesteryear when MMS/WAP interweb via 2G & GPRS were considered the dogs gonads 😆

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Message 7 of 8

Re: OMA Client Provisioning

Yes, that could be it.  While the hand set is new, the sim was originally provided by BT and just swapped over to the new phone.  If that was the case, I don't see any reason why the gateway address should have changed.  Thanks for your help.

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Message 8 of 8

Re: OMA Client Provisioning

I've just Google'd it and they are definitely all the required settings for data, SMS etc. It's possible that with the newer sim cards, the data settings could be stored on the sim and they installed on boot up but the others were done OTA.. 

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