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Message 1 of 5

mobile voicemail 1571

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Is there a general fault on mobile voice mail (callers are told they can't leave a message and when I dial 1571 there is a BT message 'there is a fault please call back later')

Will BT be fixing this or is it just me and I need to contact them and if so whats the right way to do it?


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Message 2 of 5

Re: mobile voicemail 1571

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Hi @MrMcHenry,

Thank you for posting. I'm sorry if you have a fault with the Voicemail on your BT Mobile. If you give the Mobile Team a call on 0800 800 150, they'll be able to get this investigated.



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Message 3 of 5

Re: mobile voicemail 1571

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Yes thanks

So when I dial 1571 I get a message 'sorry due to a technical fault we can't connect you'

I had a word today with 0800 800 150 and the guy said sometimes voicemail needs to be reset turn it off with 15710 and back on with 1571. That has made no difference but I will give it another try leaving it switched off overnight. 

There is a similar thread from 2019 which apparently was unresolved so I'm not confident I will ever get this service.

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Message 4 of 5

Re: mobile voicemail 1571

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That's back on with 15711

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Message 5 of 5

Re: mobile voicemail 1571

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Its fixed now. The helpful people at the end of 0800800150 tried a few things which presumably work most of the time but nothing seemed to make a difference so its a 'network problem' I'm very grateful to Chris who took some time and care over my problem think the whole palaver took 10 days but all's well if it ends well.

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