Message 1 of 4

BT Community verification email


I've had to set up a new forum login with a different email address because the forum system won't send a verification email. I am frustrated.

I was already registered bith my preferred username and meial address but when I tried to post a question I received a message saying that my email was not verified. I asked it to send another verification email, but nothing arrived (I did check spam folder). I tried changing the email address and again, no verification email.

I've set up a new username and completely different email address (that I don't want to use for this) and it did send a verification email.

I did try emailing Khronos but no reply.

Is there anyway I can use my preferred email address?

How is someone supposed to flag up issues with the forum if they can't post questions on the forum?

Message 2 of 4

Re: BT Community verification email

I have notified the moderators of the forum about your problem. Once they have read this they may be able to help. They will advise you by posting on this thread.

Message 3 of 4

Re: BT Community verification email

Thank you for your help.
Fingers crossed.
Message 4 of 4

Re: BT Community verification email

Good afternoon @drht_frustrated.

Welcome to the BT Community forums, and thanks for bringing this to our attention too!

I'm going to pop you over a private message so we can grab a few more details and make sure this gets resolved. 
