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Message 1 of 2

BT ID - We seem to have a technical issue. Please try again later

Hi there,

I'm looking for some help here.

I assisted my Auntie setting up new BT Broadband (equipment came and she is connected and very happy) - when signing up we thought she created an account but it appears she didn't, and wants to do so to be able to see bills etc.

When we try to register, we get the "We seem to have a technical issue. Please try again later" issue. Have scoured the forums, tried with alternative emails, checked for an activation email - but still no luck, so we are somewhat stumped. 

The email she signed up with is the one she whishes to use (as she only uses 1 email). 

Can anyone assist with this - @JohnC2 (I seen you have assisted another couple of customers with similar issues). 

Many thanks,


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Message 2 of 2

Re: BT ID - We seem to have a technical issue. Please try again later

Hi @leeallanbrown 

Welcome to the community.

I know how important it is to have access to be able to manage the account online. 

The best people to speak to would be our customer service guides, who can locate the account and check if there are any details registered to it yet.

You can see how to reach the team on our Contact Us page. 
