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Message 1 of 4

Having to move to EE - problems - Phantom Telecare record - BT/Openreach

In discussing various issues with BT, I was advised that I could not upgrade my BT Broadand service but would have to move to an EE Fibre 36 service, The reason given was there is a Telecare 'tag' on my line - i.e. Openreach think there is a Telecare equipment on my line. I made it very clear to BT that there is not, nor has there ever been, any such equipment on. However BT were adamant that they could only treat me , effectively as a new customer with a few tweaks!

Question 1 - How do I get this incorrect Telecare tag removed from my Openreach record?

I decided to take up the offer of the move to EE as it was a significant reduction in price over my current BT service. I was reassured that everything would be transferred across as is and there would be additional benefits like unlimited data for the 3 EE mobiles that I already have.

However when I received the contractual information a number of 'issues' became evident, which had never been brought up on the call placing the order.

- The EE Service only supports Digital Voice - nothing said about an alternative to current landline service and digital adapters ( which I found out about later ). I had already mentioned to BT that we need the landline service because the mobile reception here is poor ( we use WiFi calling - but of course that won't work if the broadband goes down!)

-  I would lose all my btinternet emails addresses.

- The Guaranteed Bandwidth for the EE service is  only 16 Mb - I am currently on 32Mb but only receiving 22Mb!

All the above were confirmed on a follow-up call to BT.

So I have cancelled the EE order - am thoroughly jarred off with the amount of time wasted talking to BT, and, of course, waiting to talk to BT! Just tried to ring again as promised callback booked for earlier this morning and the system indicated a 1hr 15m wait!!

Question 2. Has anyone else experienced this messy relationship between the BT and EE services ? They are the same company after all and the agents speak on behalf of both services.


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Message 2 of 4

Re: Having to move to EE - problems - Phantom Telecare record - BT/Openreach

BT and EE are not the same company, they are separate companies within the BT Group.

What broadband package do you currently have with BT?

There is an incentive for sales to move you to EE, but you are better off staying with BT for now. 


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Message 3 of 4

Re: Having to move to EE - problems - Phantom Telecare record - BT/Openreach

Legally, of course,  yes but as far as my discussions with them are concerned they are operating as the same company - agents are able to offer both at will - as I have just experienced. 

BT Fibre with Halo is my current service- was offered EE Fibre 36 Essentials which has a number of down sides for me ( but not explained during order! - so I agree with your comment re incentivising - it drives wrong behaviours!)

Am staying with BT but getting an upgrade and discount !

The reduction in guaranteed broadband speed is curious - why does that happen ? - surely they should be being increased or remain the same as a minimum.



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Message 4 of 4

Re: Having to move to EE - problems - Phantom Telecare record - BT/Openreach

Guaranteed connection speeds usually end up lower, due to fact that more customers are connected to the cabinet, causing crosstalk between the cable pairs.

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