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Problems changing the date for landline service to be stopped

Hi -

I am in the process of getting my broadband upgraded to fibre.  Due to a problem at my end, I needed to change the install date from Thursday 4 November to Monday 8 November - this has been achieved without any problems - the engineer is due to be coming to my house on Monday.

My problem though is with regards to my landline being stopped - this is showing as being stopped on 4 November (the original installation date) and I have not been able to amend it to 8 November (the new date).  The website shows the "Change stop date" button and when I click on that, I can select a new date but there is nowhere on the page to *confirm* the new date, and therefore it doesn't register.

I've now spoken to BT twice on the 0800 800 150 number and been told that it's been changed to the 8 November, but every time I look on the website (or the BT app), it's still showing as the 4 November.  I am concerned as presumably this means I will have 4 days without broadband and will therefore have difficulties with working from home for the Thursday and Friday for starters.

Has anyone else had this problem and if so, how did you manage to get it resolved.  I can foresee another phone call to BT tomorrow but I can envisage ending up with no connectivity on Thursday 😞

Any advice/thoughts would be gratefully received!

Thanks in advance


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