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Message 1 of 5

Quidco cash back not recorded

Hi, I just got into a 2-year contract for Full Fibre 500 via Quidco. Although they say 95% of the cash back appears within 6 hours, mine hasn't been recorded yet after 2 days.

I raised this with Quidco directly and they said that although they are happy to investigate they need to wait for BT to provide all relevant data and that alone could take at least 1 month.

Cashback, when approved, always takes months to get to you and I'm absolutely fine with that. However, what I don't want to do is going into  a 2-year contract and finding out in 2 months that it was rejected for some reason.

My switch to BT will happen in a few days and then the 14-day cool off period will start. If I don't have this confirmed before then I will just cancel the fibre package and stay with my current provider.

I tried giving BT a call today but was told I simply have to wait. Is there a way for me to get more details or should I just put a reminder in my calendar to cancel my broadband before the cool off period expires?

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Message 2 of 5

Re: Quidco cash back not recorded


BT would not even process your cashback claim until you are outside of the cooling off period.  Not sure where you got the six hours from.

If for any reason you have problems receiving it afterwards, then post back here, and a moderator will help.

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Message 3 of 5

Re: Quidco cash back not recorded

thanks @Keith_Beddoe 

the 6 hours thing comes from Quidco. They claim 95% of the purchases of BT broadband  are successfully tracked in their systems within 6 hours. And this is consistent with other purchases I've made through them. They have always been recorded within a few hours.

That doesn't mean they are going to be accepted. That usually only means that the other end confirmed the transaction was finished successfully and it goes now onto the "pending for review" pile. I would be happy with that and waiting for weeks/months to hear the verdict on the cash back.

However, in this occasion BT doesn't even seem to have acknowledged my purchase was done using Quidco's link. If there's no way to proof that within the cool-off period, I'm simply staying with my current provider.

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Message 4 of 5

Re: Quidco cash back not recorded

Hi, @txutxe I can check the order reference to see if it has originated from a referral site.  This isn't a guarantee that you'll get the cashback but it might give you the reassurance you need to continue with the order.

I've sent you a private message so you can get in touch with the moderation team.



Message 5 of 5

Re: Quidco cash back not recorded

Thanks @NeilO 

I replied privately.

I completely understand there's no guarantee. Cashbacks are full of conditions.

Right now I just want this to be tracked correctly and I'll be happy to wait for weeks or months if necessary for a decision on your side. It's always like this.

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