Hello all, question I’ve left all BT services as from 16th October and would like to know how they can generate new contracts for TV and phone lines for your address.
Being the account holder I find this very annoying and bad company practice after 20 years, and no doubt someone is either trying to sell or its computer generated.
Does anyone know why this happens.
When did you ring up BT to cancel your existing service, assuming you were out of contract?
Was out of contract for broadband and phone in September, the new provider done all the swap over and was installed this week.
But just checking my account for asking for a returns bag and noticed the 2 new orders, one for the Bt TV is being sent out over the next few days, never used this service and also have not signed up for anything since, due to having sky etc.
No wonder people are getting fed up, they make it very stressful for a easy cancellation process.
So after ringing BT about this problem, they sent the first returns packaged bag or box to my old address (14 years ago since I was there) which is not listed on my new account with them so they raised a new contract to re send it out.
But why call it BT TV returns dept is confusing, anyway hoping they get sorted out and the final bill soon.