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Message 261 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

Thank you for your response - we look forward to the response. One error I am getting gives a very uninformative error message and the logs yield even less information! The error message returns every couple of minutes after unpausing sync.




2020-12-04 14:47:55.438 +00:00 [ERR] Error on Syncing state Execute, { SourceContext: "Sncr.Cloud.Model.Workflow.States.Sync.SyncingState" }
System.IO.IOException: The file exists.

at Pri.LongPath.File.GetFileHandle(String normalizedPath, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, FileOptions options)
at Pri.LongPath.File.Open(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options)
at Pri.LongPath.FileInfo.Open(FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share)
at Sncr.CrossCutting.FileHelpers.<InternalCopyAsync>d__3.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Sncr.Cloud.Core.DownstreamFileCreateTask.<DefaultDeployFile>d__20.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---

I should also add, like many others, power usage and CPU usage are running very high with very little to show for it.



0 Ratings
Message 262 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

Possible little gotcha, when opening the new dashboard icon in the systray, you can click on the three dots in the top right hand corner and there is an option to exit BT Cloud, if you click that then the icon disappears from the systray. To restart the service you either have to restatr the laptop, possibly get away with just logging out and back in (not tried) or you click on the desktop BT Cloud icon. But after about the  4th uninstall- reinstall my desktop icon disappeared and the BT Cloud option in Start menu also disappeared (it looks like it was pointing to the old Program Files directory, which is no longer used in the new implementation.


To restore the desktop icon, use file explorer to navigate to 


Replace 'username' with your username (without quotes), then right click on the "BT Cloud.exe" and create shortcut, this creates a shortcut in the directory, then drag the shortcut to your desktop or task bar (if you prefer). Now you click on the short cut and the service should start again.



0 Ratings
Message 263 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

I've been away from the laptop for a couple of hours, seems like we're at least getting some helpful response now, thank you.

I also got a response to the email I sent to Philip Jansen, from Emma Levy, PA Support to Chairman & Chief Executive Office, BT Group plc.  

Another issue I'm having is not being able to open applications, i.e. Outlook because it's 'in use'.  I have to pause BT Cloud from syncing and then I can open the application!


0 Ratings
Message 264 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

Another BT Upgrade - another shambles!

Why was this 'upgrade' done?

Why wasn't I given the option not to upgrade / defer the upgrade/

Why was the upgrade not tested?

Why were there no release notes?

Why did it take days to 'sync'? - and what was it syncing?

Why is it not backing up my stuff?

Why does it say it's syncing files from years ago? - but not displaying them?

It keeps saying (at random) : "It looks like you have a lot of content ..."? - (I dont BTW)

It keeps saying (at random): "We had trouble loading your ..... Please try again later" - different segments at diff times

It keeps saying (at random): "we are experiencing technical problem. Please try again later)


WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON BT?   This really is world-beating-cr*p you are putting out here!!!!!!!

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0 Ratings
Message 265 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

The email from the moderator NeilO was an amazing example of platitude and obfuscation:

This upgrade was needed to ensure BT Cloud kept working.

 Why tell us!

We will be releasing an updated version next week which should address the desktop shortcut not opening , anti-virus blocking installations and other performance fixes. We will do further releases for other fixes as we find them.  

Who did they ask about the changes?  Certainly not me!

Some of the other errors like "We are experiencing technical difficulties" will appear less or not appear at all once the fix has been rolled out.

This reply inspires confidence did they not notice any of these when they tested it?  Clearly not !  Perhaps NeilO can give us details of the testing that was carried out?

Our moderators will help collect your details for any other issues you are having.

When? If we are supposed to spend hours listening to unhelpful messages on the phone!  If there are answers then publish them on this forum.

BT Cloud is also still available to use via web at or via mobile apps.

The web site Is hopeless and I want to use it on Windows 10!

To access the dashboard, click on the BT Cloud icon in the system tray (not on your desktop).  Below is the new dashboard which should give you the information needed...  

That is not the dashboard we had it is a pathetic attempt to make some features available.

excuse the rant but this must be one of the worst examples of an upgrade imposed on users with no notice ever!









0 Ratings
Message 266 of 1,226

Re: BT CLOUD shutting down other programs

Further to my last, I've tried to install and reinstall the new version of the BT desktop Client,   but

it FAILS to open?


Any idea what's happening? Are BT looking for a fix  ? I do hope so! 

0 Ratings
Message 267 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start


The email from the moderator NeilO was an amazing example of platitude and obfuscation:

This upgrade was needed to ensure BT Cloud kept working.

 Why tell us!

We will be releasing an updated version next week which should address the desktop shortcut not opening , anti-virus blocking installations and other performance fixes. We will do further releases for other fixes as we find them.  

Who did they ask about the changes?  Certainly not me!

Some of the other errors like "We are experiencing technical difficulties" will appear less or not appear at all once the fix has been rolled out.

This reply inspires confidence did they not notice any of these when they tested it?  Clearly not !  Perhaps NeilO can give us details of the testing that was carried out?

Our moderators will help collect your details for any other issues you are having.

When? If we are supposed to spend hours listening to unhelpful messages on the phone!  If there are answers then publish them on this forum.

BT Cloud is also still available to use via web at or via mobile apps.

The web site Is hopeless and I want to use it on Windows 10!

To access the dashboard, click on the BT Cloud icon in the system tray (not on your desktop).  Below is the new dashboard which should give you the information needed...  

That is not the dashboard we had it is a pathetic attempt to make some features available.

excuse the rant but this must be one of the worst examples of an upgrade imposed on users with no notice ever!









Not condoning but they have acknowledged their failings - its a positive sign of a new release next week. 

If you have an exact issue using the new version - it normally helps them if you post as much detail as they do take it away for investigation as Neil has mentioned. 

0 Ratings
Message 268 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

Neil, thank you for your update.

I think that I had already identified the processes that you describe in your message and I am willing to give reasoned feedback on things that do not appear to be working.

Can you tell me the route that I should take to provide this feedback, so that it is not just lost amongst the current long list of justified complaints.
0 Ratings
Message 269 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

Hi @JTS1,

Thanks for reaching out to us.

@NeilO is out of the office until Monday. You can reach me through a private message. I will make sure any feedback is passed on to our developers.



0 Ratings
Message 270 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

I'm in a similar position. Mine stopped syncing about 12 hours ago about 30GB uploaded and 30GB left to do.

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