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Message 841 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start



Now doing the same as you with WD.

Reinstalled the BT Cloud it ran OK for 15 minutes then hung up and my problem returned with CPU and Broadband maxing out and rendering my Laptop useless. Uninstall BT cloud and Laptop goes back to normal. 

I have a email away to the BT contact who phoned me and sent me a fix that failed and hope to get a response either today or tomorrow.

From a very frustrated



Jamie, I have been going over the reports that Forum Users have submitted since version 20.6.1 was first introduced, as I have been learning from scratch then.  One of the things that happened by accident was that I found the current User Guide, in which Pages 29/30 states the following:

The Desktop Client provides additional configurability for backup folders:
1. Frequency Users can change the frequency with which backup folder changes are backed up to the cloud. The purpose of backup is to provide the user with the peace of mind that should anything happen to their content, a version of that content is protected elsewhere. Important files can change with varying frequency and scale.

The default backup folder behaviour is to continuously backup changes i.e. whenever a user saves changes to a file to a folder marked for backup, a new version of that file gets backed up to the user’s cloud account.

The consequence is that a large file that is changed and saved frequently will result in a large number of backup versions of that file, most of which will unnecessarily and needlessly take up space. To avoid this issue, the user can now change the frequency of a backup from ‘Continuous’ to ‘Daily’ or Weekly’. The result is that a file that changes and is saved multiple times a day can be backed up once a day or once a week rather than multiple times a day.  

Another thing that I learnt during discussion with other Forum Members was that the updated Internet Explorer BT Cloud client was put into an unexpected Folder.  In at least one instance it was put into the Documents Folder, which if the user asks for it to be backed up, or synced, quite literally this would then attempt to backup the entire Internet Explorer BT Cloud Client too.

Do know where your Internet Explorer BT Cloud Client was placed?


Message 842 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start



My laptop uses Windows 10 and has Microsoft Edge not Explorer. Excuse my ignorance but sorry I don't know. There is a file in the C drive called program files in that there is a folder called BT and when I click on that a sub folder opens up called BT cloud  and there are  two sync files and that is it.

John I sent you a Private Message and wonder if we can respond via that ?



0 Ratings
Message 843 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start


Do know where your Internet Explorer BT Cloud Client was placed?


I believe that you are inadvertently referring to the obsolete Microsoft web browser Internet Explorer when you mean to reference Windows Explorer (both often shortened to 'Explorer' annoyingly) which is the programme supplied by Microsoft to allow you to examine and alter files and file structures on your PC. It is through Windows Explorer that will find find the BT Cloud folders which contain synched backups on your computer - of course you can access the back-ups stored on the BT Cloud Servers using a web browser, or via the desk-top/ taskbar app. 

0 Ratings
Message 844 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start



Do know where your Internet Explorer BT Cloud Client was placed?


I believe that you are inadvertently referring to the obsolete Microsoft web browser Internet Explorer when you mean to reference Windows Explorer (both often shortened to 'Explorer' annoyingly) which is the programme supplied by Microsoft to allow you to examine and alter files and file structures on your PC. It is through Windows Explorer that will find find the BT Cloud folders which contain synched backups on your computer - of course you can access the back-ups stored on the BT Cloud Servers using a web browser, or via the desk-top/ taskbar app. 

Your right about Windows Explorer, but Internet Explorer is used through out the User Guide to distinguish between BT Cloud client on a PC versus the BT Cloud client, sometimes simply referred to as the "Cloud". 

I have found on my PC, which is functioning OK with Version 20.6.1, that BT Cloud was placed as a TOP Folder, where in at least one other User's PC (which isn't working correctly). I have observed that the Window Explorer
BT Cloud is below the Primary Folder "Documents".  Therefore, if the User decides backup his  Documents Folder, he will also be attempting to back up the BT Cloud Folder below it.   On my PC, it is referred to as File Explorer.


0 Ratings
Message 845 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start




Do know where your Internet Explorer BT Cloud Client was placed?


I believe that you are inadvertently referring to the obsolete Microsoft web browser Internet Explorer when you mean to reference Windows Explorer (both often shortened to 'Explorer' annoyingly) which is the programme supplied by Microsoft to allow you to examine and alter files and file structures on your PC. It is through Windows Explorer that will find find the BT Cloud folders which contain synched backups on your computer - of course you can access the back-ups stored on the BT Cloud Servers using a web browser, or via the desk-top/ taskbar app. 

Your right about Windows Explorer, but Internet Explorer is used through out the User Guide to distinguish between BT Cloud client on a PC versus the BT Cloud client, sometimes simply referred to as the "Cloud". 

I have found on my PC, which is functioning OK with Version 20.6.1, that BT Cloud was placed as a TOP Folder, where in at least one case I have observed BT Cloud to be below the Primary Folder "Documents".


That's really worrying - it's both technically wrong, I believe (I don't think you can use Internet Explorer to examine your own PC, even if you might use it to explore a distant server if you were linked to it through a network) and certainly confusing. Microsoft does use the word Explorer interchangeably for both Internet and Windows Explorer, but considering the former is now redundant (and written out of updated systems) its continued use is extraordinary, particularly in a 'user guide' which should have bene fully updated when the new software launched in December 2020.

0 Ratings
Message 846 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

BT Cloud sits under Documents in my case. Should I try moving it up one level so that it comes under C - Users - Richard?

0 Ratings
Message 847 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

The User Guide is dated 4th December 2020 and is currently available in the "Your Extras" Section of all BT Account holder. The Guide can be Downloaded in PDF format.

0 Ratings
Message 848 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

rperc13 - Not until you have COPIED the 4 Folders to a safe location and have then observing the effects of the follow up actions on the retained 4 Folders, as discussed earlier.


Message 849 of 1,226

Re: BTcloud


General Information

My experience is as follows. The current version of BT Cloud desktop, 20.6.1, had been working for me for several weeks following a re-install. I use it just to backup files not to synchronise across devices and it successfully backed up over 80GBs of data initially from 3 selected folders and their associated hierarchy of sub-folders - Documents, Pictures and Desktop. I continued to monitor it and up until a few days ago any changes or additions I made to the contents of these folders was successfully backed up when I checked on the BT Cloud web-client. Now, this has changed - changes I make to Documents and any of its subfolders still successfully backs up but not so with Pictures and its subfolders. 

This may be similar to other problems reported but it is strange and worrying how and why backup suddenly stopped working just for the Pictures folder and its contents. Here's hoping the next release will fix all these issues. 

I too have observed a number of changes that have been occurring, without explanation. 
For example, a Group of Folders that I had mentioned in this Forum, were not where I had expected them to be. 
An hour or so after mentioning this in the Forum, I returned to the same area and they were visible, but moments later they disappeared again.  After quite a long search, I found them again in a totally different area, together with some additional changes.   I believe this was BT Engineers working to improve BT Cloud before its next release, so I'm reassured by what I accidently observed. 

In your own case, is your Picture folder still not Backing up?

Message 850 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start


BT Cloud sits under Documents in my case. Should I try moving it up one level so that it comes under C - Users - Richard?

Sorry, I accidently replied by sending a Quick Reply, please see my previous reply in Message 848.