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BT Cloud or should it be Fog

OK so I run Linux and there is no desktop app. So I have 1000Gb of storage and thought I would back up some of my work. Dumped a folder "Programs" to upload - only 219Mb but over 7000 files because of VS code etc. It starts but only at about a file a second and does not complete because after a couple of hours the web app times out as session expired and it is nigh impossible to figure out what was uploaded and what was not. Furthermore, if I want to update it in the future as things get amended it is going to to be a full upload of the folder again because there is no easy way of just uploading the changed for newer files. Only way is to Zip and then upload and then it takes seconds but it is cumbersome.

Wondered if the Windows app would run on Linux under Wine but it looks unlikely and not worth the trouble given the problems that seems to have.

The other cloud service I use which happily handles syncing faultlessly in Linux and just about anything else is MegaSync so why can't BT,with all their resources, offer something better? Also a lot of folk are now running Linux under Raspberry Pi

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