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Message 1 of 6

How can I block a website (YouTube) on a particular device?

My daughter does most of her homework on a laptop. The thing is, whilst she is doing the homework, she has other windows open, one of them being YouTube, and she is distracted by watching videos whilst she should be working.

I know how to block YouTube on all devices through Parental Controls, but how do I block it solely on her device please?


Thanks in advance.

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Message 2 of 6

Re: How can I block a website (YouTube) on a particular device?

I am assuming her laptop is running Windows 10.

See links

How to Set up Parental Controls in Windows 10 (

How to Use Parental Controls on Windows 10 (


If that doesn't help check out the Antivirus product on the laptop. It may have Parental Controls.

0 Ratings
Message 3 of 6

Re: How can I block a website (YouTube) on a particular device?

Thanks, can it not be done via the BT App/ Controls?
It's an older laptop, so running Windows 7
0 Ratings
Message 4 of 6

Re: How can I block a website (YouTube) on a particular device?

Hi @noms2000, welcome to the forum and thanks for posting. 

Have a look at How To Block Youtube With BT Parental Controls for guidance on how to set this up.



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Message 5 of 6

Re: How can I block a website (YouTube) on a particular device?

Thanks John, although I only want to block it on one device.
0 Ratings
Message 6 of 6

Re: How can I block a website (YouTube) on a particular device?

The BT app/ parental controls blocks at a network level not a device level. It's all devices on the network or none.

For Windows 7 see links

Windows 7 Parental Controls Setup - dummies

Windows 7 Parental Controls - Complete Tutorial - YouTube

As you are no doubt aware Windows 7 is no longer supported by Microsoft and given that your daughter is using the laptop you should be aware that the security of the laptop could be compromised if she is not aware of the dangers.

I would suggest that you consider upgrading the laptop to Windows 10. You can still do this for free.

It involves a bit of effort but it should be worth it. 

If you do decide to do it make sure that you have a backup of any important files such as documents and photos etc. that you can load onto the laptop after you have upgraded it.

See links how to do it.

Still running Windows 7? Time is running out to upgrade to Windows 10. What to know - CNET

How to Upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10 for FREE in 2021 - YouTube