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Message 1 of 3

Now TV cant set password with new account

I have just signed up to BT and have got my BT account working but when I try to set a Now TV password through the link provided by BT in the email it will not allow me to set a password. When I type in the email to set the password for it just goes through to Now TV how can we help page. I have a sky email registered with the BT account so perhaps this is the issue. Can anyone explain to me how it is possible to set my NOW TV account up without contacting BT via phone?



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Message 2 of 3

Re: Now TV cant set password with new account

There have been problems using Sky email addresses as usernames but I was under the impression that had been sorted.

I doubt there's anything forum users can do to help you but with any luck the mods will pick up on this thread and offer assistance e.g. @NeilO 

Message 3 of 3

Re: Now TV cant set password with new account

Hi thanks for reply. It may be that there is a problem with NOW tv website but im convinced theres an issue with the set up.