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Message 11 of 20

Re: DTR-T2110 EE Update

A BIG THANK YOU TO YOU ALL. I think we have solved the problem. As one of you had suggested to fit a replacement HDD. This is what I have did. I then did a factory reset and the box did a format on this replacement HDD.
When it had completed this I was able to record programs, view what is recorded and get into the apps. I have not setup all of them but I do get to the login bit now. So it looks to be OK.
This morning I have refitted the original HDD and the old faults have come back.
I have decided that over the next few days we will watch what we need on the old HDD then do a factory reset. If this does not get rid of the problem I will refit the replacement HDD. Then setup all the apps to get it all working. Again a BIG THANKS to you all for your help. Regards Roger

Message 12 of 20

Re: DTR-T2110 EE Update

I appreciate that this is an old post, but myself and a friend have just had this happen to our boxes, that got updated yesterday, so cannot be a coincidence. Now unable to record and all todays' scheduled programmes have not recorded. Not happy at all...

Have tried some of the suggestions on here, but none have worked, not done a factory reset as I have programmes recorded that I haven't watched. Due to health problems I rely on recording all the programmes I like, to watch as and when. Are BT likely to fix this???

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Message 13 of 20

Re: DTR-T2110 EE Update


YouView boxes don’t tell you when they update, and the only way to know this is to see the configuration change.

Your box will say that it last checked for updates yesterday (and it will tell you tomorrow that it last checked today) but that doesn’t mean it actually updated.

You don’t say what model of box you have, but if you have an EE TV subscription, contact them on 150 and they will replace your box. But with no subscription, you are on your own.

Here are the things you can do to try to rescue your box:-

Try Option 2 first, which preserves your recordings. But if this does not work, watch the programmes you haven’t seen yet, deleting them as you go, and then delete all the ones you have watched.

If you still can’t record, then do an Option 5.

This will bring the box back working if it was just disc corruption; but if it doesn’t, it’s a hardware fault. You might get the box back with a disc swap, as described above, is it’s the disc at fault, but otherwise the box is kaput, I’m afraid.

Have you got an EE TV subscription?


*** Longtime YouView box owner, Broadband customer (was BT, now EE), finally an EE TV subscriber ***
Message 14 of 20

Re: DTR-T2110 EE Update

Many thanks for replying Midnight_Voice,

I found out about the update by going into systems, and even checked manually and was told it was updated 24th Aug.  Model is DTRT2110. No subscription, bought the box from a store. Tried resetting the box, keeping the recordings etc. but despite following the instructions, cannot get into maintenance mode, to try it that way.

Being a bank holiday there is no way to contact them. Looks like I will have to try a factory reset, hope the box hasn't had it don't know what to buy next, not very techy minded.

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Message 15 of 20

Re: DTR-T2110 EE Update

Hi. I had a simular problem on my DTRT2110 last December I tried everything without losing the recordings. But did not cure the fault. The last thing I did was to do a complete reset and format of the Hard Disk. This then cured the problem and the box has worked OK since. I found everone in the community helpful. Hope you get it fixed.
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Message 16 of 20

Re: DTR-T2110 EE Update


Unless you have a different sort of DTR-T2110 from me (!) you will be looking at this display taken from my T2110:-


Note that it doesn’t say Updated, just Checked. Also note that this changes day to day, and there is not an update every day!

It can be tricky to get into Maintenance Mode, but make sure you are following the instructions for Recordable TV Box,  and persevere.

If you do need to replace it, aim for a T4000, though any BT T2xxx should still be going strong. Avoid the YouView-branded T2000, though, and all T1000s.

The latest BT/EE box is the Pro, but these tend to be more expensive, and you don’t need the hassle of having an unsupported one of those.

*** Longtime YouView box owner, Broadband customer (was BT, now EE), finally an EE TV subscriber ***
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Message 17 of 20

Re: DTR-T2110 EE Update

Couple of observations 

Did @Dahla04 mention that you and a friend both had boxes that updated the same day .If so is your friends box  exhibiting the same problems,

the DTR-T2110 is the retail version of that box so would not normal be supplied as part of a BT subscription ( the DTR-T2010 was for BT subscriptions with I think the DTR-T2020 for Plusnet).

whilst the (non subscription) DTR-T2110 should be fine for Freeview viewing and recording for as long as the hardware components work, the available apps and their performance will undoubtably decrease over time. 

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Message 18 of 20

Re: DTR-T2110 EE Update


@Dahla04  said above “myself and a friend have just had this happen to our boxes”, meaning a loss of recording ability based on a supposed update.

But I believe the observation that the boxes had updated was based on a misunderstanding of the relevant information, as per my screenshot above.

Certainly, my T2110 hasn’t failed, and I don’t think it has updated, though EE don’t publish this information like YouView used to, which was the only way to really know.

*** Longtime YouView box owner, Broadband customer (was BT, now EE), finally an EE TV subscriber ***
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Message 19 of 20

Re: DTR-T2110 EE Update

Thank you to everyone who have replied, advice and comments given, very much appreciated. I wrongly assumed that where it said last checked for updates/apps, it meant it had updated. I have spent most of the afternoon on this, trying to access maintenance option (they could make that easier), 4th attempt I finally succeeded. Took 25mins, did not work, still could not record. So watched one programme that I had recorded then had to do a factory reset, losing all the others. Another 25mins taken. 

Well fingers crossed, I have managed to select the programmes I want recorded this evening and they are showing in scheduled, will have to wait and see what happens. Contacted my friend she has had to do the same, this is so weird. 

Message 20 of 20

Re: DTR-T2110 EE Update

I'm pleased to report that doing a factory reset has fixed the problem, and all recordings are working, hope it stays that way. Again many thanks to you all.