Message 1 of 10

Error IPC6023

Good evening folks!

I wonder if someone might be able to help me? Moved house nearly 2 weeks ago and it seems I’ve been plagued with different issues moving my EE / BT account to my new house. Both was fibre to the property and this new house is only 2 minutes down the street. 

Had to have open reach out as my ONT was set to multiport and I had a single so wasn’t getting my package. New ONT and that’s sorted! 

Well now I have IPC6023 and can’t watch basic channels. Done all the resets many times, tried with powerline adapters. It finds channels on set up and finds a connection, can watch Netflix etc but won’t let me watch any normal channels. 

Openreach told me it was a multicast issue and it might need turning on in my profile. Nobody at EE seems to be able to help me and just delay me. 2 weeks of calling now.

is there anything else I can do apart from move to Sky? Very frustrating, gave EE 2 weeks notice prior to moving too!

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Message 2 of 10

Re: Error IPC6023

Good morning @Lucasci89.

Thanks for reaching out to us about this.

IPC6023 does usually refer to a loss of Multicast packets, and will usually be linked with your network connection. 

Have you had a chance to try a restart on your Openreach Modem (ONT)?


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Message 3 of 10

Re: Error IPC6023

Thank you for the reply Peter. Yes I’ve tried that on the ONT, also tried on the router. Tried different powerline adapters and WIFI too and all don’t work. I’ve been told that TMC need to turn multicast on, but I’ve been chasing for weeks now unfortunately 

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Message 4 of 10

Re: Error IPC6023

Thanks for confirming that, @Lucasci89.

Have you spoken with TMC directly about this, or was it raised a while back and you're still awaiting a direct update?


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Message 5 of 10

Re: Error IPC6023

I’ve just escalated it with EE and they said they’ll look at it in the next coming days, I keep getting that message. I’ve just reset the ONT again and it’s just flashing orange on my internet now, so maybe they are looking at it? No internet now 😕

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Message 6 of 10

Re: Error IPC6023

Internet is back on with another power cycle - nothing on the TV, hopefully someone can help on the multicast issue as I’m not getting anywhere with customer support 

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Message 7 of 10

Re: Error IPC6023

Thanks @Lucasci89, I'll keep everything crossed you hear something soon. 

If you don't get any further updates I'd definitely recommend giving our team another call and they can check up on how things are progressing. 


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Message 8 of 10

Re: Error IPC6023

Hi Peter, thank you for your replies and wishes.

Update - I’ve had a call from the technical team in Newcastle today, unfortunately they are saying my service is still lower than it should be and maybe there’s an issue with the ONT 

however open reach installed this only last week! So wait for a few more days until open reach come out again. They said my service shouldn’t be on port 2 but it is.

I do have a horrible feeling open reach will bring TMC and TMC will blame openreach. When they was here last time Openreach said we can see you have internet, the TV is not our area (aka multicast) and there’s a grey line between them 

hoping someone comes up with a remedy! 

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Message 9 of 10

Re: Error IPC6023


Openreach were quite wrong to say that.

Multicast is part of broadband, and the fact that TV uses it doesn’t make it a TV thing, any more than the fact that every part of EETV beyond the EPG uses Unicast makes that a TV thing rather than a broadband thing.

Sure, there’s a gray line between broadband that doesn’t work and kit in your home that doesn’t work even on perfect broadband, and that’s true for both Unicast and Multicast; but it doesn’t shift Multicast over any gray line between broadband and TV.

Also, we know from things that @DarrenDev has said that BT and EE know whether Multicast is arriving at your premises or not, even though it may be hard to know why not, if it isn’t.

But it’s EE and BT in the person of Openreach who take ownership of the problem if Multicast isn’t reaching your premises (just as long as EETV is actually sending it!}

*** Longtime YouView box owner, Broadband customer (was BT, now EE), finally an EE TV subscriber ***
Message 10 of 10

Re: Error IPC6023

The multicast clearly not present on the BB config which points to an issue in the network which is Openreach's domain. You will still be able to stream content via the STB apps including the NowTV app however the EPG channels coming via your fibre broadband will fail with the IPC6023 message until the multicast config is reset / rebuilt for your circuit.

I see there's already a fault raised but will check with the team at Newcastle TMC to get this expedited.

