Message 1 of 3

ITV3 listing are not what comes on screen

We are not tech savvy in this house and our experience of BT TV after Virgin is tiring. We haven’t been able to watch ITV3 since having BT since last November. The TV guides published in newspapers for example, say 'Lewis at 8pm'. We end up with wretched  snooker. Before we leave BT in exasperation can anyone explain how we watch what is listed? 

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Message 2 of 3

Re: ITV3 listing are not what comes on screen

Hello there,

If what is being displayed on your BT TV is incorrect, I simply recommend you try contact BT directly. However, you should also try resetting the BT TV if possible.

How to reset your BT TV - Guide

Alternatively, if you do not want to mess around with that stuff, you can always check an online TV guide (such as this one) and maybe that'll help you figure stuff out.


I really hope this helps, if this was, simply choose this as your answer. If not, reply to this message and I can try help again or another BT Community member can help


Thank you,


BT Customer since 2012 | Here to help and here to get help!
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Message 3 of 3

Re: ITV3 listing are not what comes on screen

Hi @Ruth1963 

Looks like ITV changed their schedules tonight to accomodate a live FA Cup replay which they decided to broadcast on ITV 4 , that in turn bumped the live snooker that would have been on ITV 4 to ITV  3 which means no  8pm Lewis tonight.

That would explain tonight change.

However you say "We haven’t been able to watch ITV3 since having BT since last November."

Could you expand on the problem you are experiencing.