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Message 11 of 15

Re: Recurring bugs since the change to EE TV

This problem is still happening. I've just had to turn the box off while recording 3 live sports programmes in order to clear this issue, therefore ruining all 3 recordings. I'm completely fed up of it, constant problems, I've had about 5 boxes from you and none of them have been anywhere near perfect.

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Message 12 of 15

Re: Recurring bugs since the change to EE TV

If its a recording from ITV channels and your device is set up in IP mode you can't skip through adverts now anyway and apparently from other threads, it's going to come to other channels at some point. 

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Message 13 of 15

Re: Recurring bugs since the change to EE TV

The fact that @MartinJSUK  reports issue with three  active recordings points to the box being in aerial mode  so the  ITV  advert handling that  @Weerab1983  puts forward is unlikely to be a contributing factor.

The rebranding from BT TV to EE TV is in itself an unlikely trigger to the problem as both BT TV and EE TV have  i believed continued to use the same  (internal and external} developers for their Box Pro devices although some BT teams  may have been moved from BT to EE.

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Message 14 of 15

Re: Recurring bugs since the change to EE TV

Same issue again with the colours (no green visible at all, I think - even the EE splash screen looks like this), only now a restart isn't fixing it, and neither is the trick suggested in another thread 

"One other tip was posted earlier that you don't need a complete hard reset to restore the picture to the right colours.  I used this method...and its much quicker and you don't lose current recordings.

'Go to the TV settings on the youview box (set normally to 1080p) and change that setting to 1080i - it then appears to send something to the TV and ask if you want to keep the setting - say no to that and stay on 1080p and the picture reverts to normal without a reboot'"



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Message 15 of 15

Re: Recurring bugs since the change to EE TV

Hi @MartinJSUK 

I am sorry you are still experiencing problems, to get this investigated please get in touch with our TV helpdesk. They will get this looked into for you. 



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