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BT Email limitationd

In 2022, after using the BT E mail app whilst on  a month’s holiday in Portugal on returning to the UK I lost the entire contents of my Inbox. BT suggested that I had been hacked since I did not have 2 level security which was duly installed.

In 2023, whilst again on long holiday in Portugal, I was plagued by constant BT requests to confirm my password which necessitated it being changed several times. On return to UK kept getting AUTHENTICATING, messages, quite randomly, on my, all Apple, devices when opening app. sometimes for up to 10 minutes. Not a real problem but, the next happening was, when sending messages would get same message which sometimes resulted in messages being diverted to Draft or Outbox, unbeknown to me. Been under investigation by Tier 2 team without resolution since then.

This year, again in Portugal for a long holiday Mail password rejected, whilst trying to send mail to wife in Portugal when I was at Gatwick. Tier 2 team unable to help. 
Then on 18 June my entire Inbox content vanished again and it has now transpired that apparently sent messages were in fact not sent.

The penny then dropped, there were 2 common factors, the BT APP, and being out of the UK. Since then 3 BT agents, 2 of them Tier 2 members have confirmed that the BT E mail app is not designed for use outside the UK. There is no mention of this in the description of the App on line. The removal of two long In Boxes can only have been sanctioned by who ever runs the App. 

Have any other users had similar problems? Should BT make it clear that the App has severe limitations if used out of the UK? Why was I not told of the limitations of the App in 2022?

Two other small queries, why can one not communicate with BT/EE by E mail and why, when messaged by Tier 2 warning that they were going to phone, can one not reply if this is not feasible?

Alan Seaton


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Message 2 of 2

Re: BT Email limitationd

The BTMail app is in my opinion a very poor excuse for an email app.

I, along with others on this forum would recommend that you uninstall it and either use another free email app or use the Mail app that comes with your Apple devices.

If you require the email settings they are in the following link. 

BT Email server settings | BT Help

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