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Message 11 of 19

Re: Btemail won’t save pictures in emails to 8th generation iPad photos

I have left things until the quiet of the morning. I have managed to add Btemail to the iPad’s  email system and, YES, I can save  Btemail pictures from the inbox that I can now access on iPad

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Message 12 of 19

Re: Btemail won’t save pictures in emails to 8th generation iPad photos

Actually, it was the 10th generation iPad I was using. NO I cannot save pictures on the iPad when accessing btemail inbox on the 8th generation iPad.

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Message 13 of 19

Re: Btemail won’t save pictures in emails to 8th generation iPad photos

SORRY ABOUT THIS but YES I can save pictures from the btemail inbox on my 8th generation iPad. 

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Message 14 of 19

Re: Btemail won’t save pictures in emails to 8th generation iPad photos

So is your problem now resolved?

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Message 15 of 19

Re: Btemail won’t save pictures in emails to 8th generation iPad photos

Well, no, because I still can’t save pictures from my btemail account without having to use iCloud. That’s a real pain. Btemail is my default email. I can only see btemail INBOX from iCloud. I can’t see any of my other BT folders from iCloud

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Message 16 of 19

Re: Btemail won’t save pictures in emails to 8th generation iPad photos

Can you clarify if this is happening when you access your BT email account when using a web browser or when using the BTMail email app or when using some other email app? 

What pictures are you trying to save, are they being sent to you as an attachment or are they imbedded into the email that you have received.

At what point and why are you using iCloud? 

Are the email pictures able to be saved to your pictures folder?


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Message 17 of 19

Re: Btemail won’t save pictures in emails to 8th generation iPad photos

First of all, the 8th Generation iPad is only used by my wife. She doesn’t download anything from emails except pictures which are received into our main btemail account. The btemail app has been installed on both iPads. But now she can’t download pictures on her 8th generation iPad from our default btemail address. The iCloud email is rarely used by her and never by me. Indeed, I only set up an iCloud email address on the 10th generation iPad this morning because you asked me to see what happened using a different app. I only added the btemail account to both 8th and 10th generation iPads within iCloud to see what would happen. So, iCloud email for the purposes of this discussion is purely experimental - it is dormant on my wife’s iPad 8th generation iPad and wasn’t on my 10th generation at all until this morning.

Btemail is our default email so we naturally want to use the btemail app and not fiddle between btemail and iCloud simply because there is a problem on the btemail app not working on an 8th generation ipad. Both of our  iPads have the same and latest version of iOS.

Pictures arriving on btemail are always Attachments. 

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Message 18 of 19

Re: Btemail won’t save pictures in emails to 8th generation iPad photos

I have no idea why you would naturally want to use the BT mail app when there are far better apps. There is no need to 'fiddle' between apps, just choose which app works and use that.

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Message 19 of 19

Re: Btemail won’t save pictures in emails to 8th generation iPad photos

I'm sorry you have lost me. I will bow out of this thread.

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