It seems to only work if I do them one at a time.
Does BT seriously expect me to spend the rest of my days deleting old emails?
It used to work.
This cannot be!
I'm trying to delete emails in batches of between 10 and 100 or so from my trash folder by the methods described - and it doesn't delete any!
Is BT trolling us with their so-called "upgrades"?
@Bobcat1 wrote:
I'm trying to delete emails in batches of between 10 and 100 or so from my trash folder by the methods described - and it doesn't delete any!
Is BT trolling us with their so-called "upgrades"?
You do not need to use the methods as described to empty the Trash folder.
To empty the Trash folder hover your mouse over the Trash folder and it will reveal two icons at the right. Click on the one that looks like a Trash bin and it will empty the contents of the Trash folder.
Many thanks but I don't want to empty the whole box at once.
I am selecting them by "From" (ie, the sender) and doing it - or trying to do it that way - because there might be some I deleted accidentally and now want to keep.
That always used to work but doesn't seem to anymore.
Do it the other way round. Go through them first selecting the ones you want to keep and move them to your folders then delete the rest en-masse.
Thanks for the tip.
Grateful to you but annoyed with BT that another one of their so-called "upgrades" means that something I could do so simply in the past now needs a workaround.
But then, 'twas ever thus with BT...
@Bobcat1 wrote:
Thanks for the tip.
Grateful to you but annoyed with BT that another one of their so-called "upgrades" means that something I could do so simply in the past now needs a workaround.
But then, 'twas ever thus with BT...
That's funny. I didn't see it as a work around, I saw it as the best way of doing it but each to their own.
I am trying to delete multiple emails in the trash folder but can only manage to delete one at a time. It has never been easy to delete more than 50 at a time. please advise what i'm doing wrong.
To empty the Trash folder hover over it and a couple of icons will appear at the right hand side. Click on the onethat looks like a trash bin.
I don't want to empty the trash bin I just want reduce the number of emails. I used to press control tick the email then still holding the control button scroll up about 50 klick the box the and 50 emails were highlighted and a side bar appeared offering to delete the items highlighted.