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Message 121 of 141

Re: Email disconnections have returned

@licquorice  I cannot find those financial institutions in my saved passwords list, and indeed the passwords are NOT saved, nor would I want them to be. Hmmm

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Message 122 of 141

Re: Email disconnections have returned

Regardless of financial institution passwords being stored in Chrome's password list, I would be extremely surprised if the logins are preserved by cookies. Most financial sites automatically log the user out after 10 minutes of inactivity.


Message 123 of 141

Re: Email disconnections have returned

@licquorice That's right, the logins are not preserved, and that's as it ought to be, no issue there.

On reflection, if I HAD to type those user names in every day (or every few days, as I don't actually use them all every day) I suppose I might start to remember them? In practice there are only two of them that are really tricky to remember. 

The calendar thing MAKES ME VERY ANGRY though because I know it's because I am using an Apple product on a Microsoft device via a Google browser!! However, perhaps I just need to accept that once a day and not let it raise my blood pressure, because however much I scream at my PC they won't hear me and won't do anything to change it. Moreover, this doesn't need me to remember anything, just to be slightly more patient!

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Message 124 of 141

Re: Email disconnections have returned


Regardless of financial institution passwords being stored in Chrome's password list, I would be extremely surprised if the logins are preserved by cookies. Most financial sites automatically log the user out after 10 minutes of inactivity.


Banking apps/ credit card apps won't even allow you to take a simple, 'screenshot' within the app. Very frustrating, I have searched endlessly for a solution but unless you want to 'root' your phone, there isn't one. (Apart from physically taking a photo of the screen using another device!)

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Message 125 of 141

Re: Email disconnections have returned

An hour ago I had to take a photo on my mobile of an amount on my banking on line as the only method to have the record and print it  (and then I scanned it) as my bank allows no screen grabs nor even "copy".

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Message 126 of 141

Re: Email disconnections have returned


An hour ago I had to take a photo on my mobile of an amount on my banking on line as the only method to have the record and print it  (and then I scanned it) as my bank allows no screen grabs nor even "copy".

No bank or credit card company allows you to do a screenshot of their application - it's a security feature., and yes, I know it's annoying!

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Message 127 of 141

Re: Email disconnections have returned


I thought I would follow your advice and delete cookies and data on Firefox before closing down.  Not a good idea for me.  All my automatic sign-ins, etc. were deleted.  So I've deleted the deletion and returned to the status quo.

Message 128 of 141

Re: Email disconnections have returned

At least you can get in! The dreaded 2 step authentication flag has returned to my account just 30 days after it being removed. None of the family can access their emails AGAIN. Rang up Sunday and was told it had to go offline to the team. Now being told it takes 7 to 10 days!! BT EMAIL is an absolute joke and I'll advise anyone not to use it

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Message 129 of 141

Re: Email disconnections have returned

I also tried to follow the advice to delete cookies on closing my browser, but then nearly every site I opened took me through two-step authentication to sign in and / or bombarded me with emails about being accessed from a 'new' device. At least one site also restricted my access for a whole week. So, I've gone back to letting the cookies stay. I can see the need if it's a mobile device that's not got secure access controls, but I think it highly unlikely that anyone will try to walk off with my large desktop computer.

Message 130 of 141

E-mail login

I am baffled by BT's insistance on making me login so frequently - sometimes more than once a a day. It used to be about once a week.

I'm so fed up that, frankly if I could work out how to transfer my contacts I would go to another e-mail provider in a shot !

Any ideas out there ??



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