Message 1 of 6

Email failure

Hi, I can't send an email from my works outlook account to my bt account. Message comes back Failed to send. We have just moved to a new internet provider so wondered if there is a setting that needs to be changed. 

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Message 2 of 6

Re: Email failure

Is your "works" broadband account and your previous BT Broadband account one and the same? ie both are now with your new provider? 

If they are, when you move away from BT Broadband your BTMail email account is "downgraded" to a BTMail Basic account which means you can only use it on a web browser and not with an email client or email app but this would not stop you receiving emails from anybody regardless of which email service they are using. 

BT Email products | Types of BT Emails | BT Help

If they are not one and the same broadband accounts, if you are sending from your works email account, which presumably was not your previous BT Broadband account to your BTMail email account and it is not being sent then the problem would appear to be at your works email account end.



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Message 3 of 6

Re: Email failure

Hi thankyou for replying.  My work broadband account is and has always been different and I have never had a problem sending to my personnal bt account but since the change the link has gone.  I also had a problem sending to my Gmail account at first but this has been sorted.  Have asked our IT guy and he said he had to get a new setting for the Gmail so I was assuming that the same applied for BT.

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Message 4 of 6

Re: Email failure

No idea what your IT guy was talking about. There is no provider specific setting for sending emails.

The send settings will be what is required of your sending provider, not receiving provider.

Get your  'IT guy' to check that your mail provider has the necessary SPF, DKIM and DMARC settings implemented correctly.

Message 5 of 6

Re: Email failure

This is a link to the BTMail log on page


but if you are sending an email to your own email address from your works email account you should only need it to log onto your BTMail account in order to check your BTMail email. Logging onto your BTMail account has nothing to do with somebody sending emails to your email account.

The settings for BTMail when using an email client such as Outlook are as per this link

BT Email server settings | BT Help

None of these settings will have changed when you left BT. The only change is what I have already pointed out and that is that you will not be able to use Outlook or any other email client to send and receive emails from your BTMail account because it will now be a BTMail Basic account and you can only use a web browser to send and receive emails from that email account now.

If your work is using a VPN to connect you to works computer system when out of the office then that setting may have changed and you will need to get that looked at by your IT guy but this should not affect your sending emails from work to home.

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Message 6 of 6

Re: Email failure

Thankyou, I think that's what my IT guy was on about I just didn't explain it very well. I will get back to him.

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