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Message 1 of 2

Email login security question nightmare

Hi all,

I've come here as a bit of a last resort as I'm having an absolute nightmare. I tried signing into my account while in Cuba using a VPN - BT's email login really didn't like that and instantly locked down the account.

No worries - we'll run through the 'Reset Password' procedure as requested and get login sorted.

However something between my security question and postcode combo isn't being recognised - I've tried pretty much every combination of postcodes/security question answers all with no luck.

The email address is ancient, 15 years + ancient and is absolutely critical for my freelance work.

BT's support have basically said that without security question/password combo there is absolutely nothing to be done to recover access to the account.

Can someone shed some light on who to speak to for help on this - this is so distressing as there are so many critical bits of data living in that account.

This is the screen that I'm referencing (just imainge not locled out and with actual data in it)

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Message 2 of 2

Re: Email login security question nightmare

Are you a BT Broadband customer or paying for your email account through a BT Premium email account?

When resetting your password through the "reset password" process if you click on the "I don't know the security details" I think you will be offered a PIN number to be sent to your alternative email address or mobile phone, assuming you set them up in your MyBT which can be used to access your account.

I need to change or reset my BT Email password | BT Help



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